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dans Illustrator j'avais l'habitude d'importer des élements vectoriels en PDF (ainsi ils restaient en lien - plus rapide pour les mise à jour comme c'est un travail redondant), je les incorporaient lorsque le fichier était fini et tout était vectoriel. Mais là, lorsque je modifie mon lien, il ne reste plus en lien mais est directement vectoriel (je perd la fonction lien).
J'espère être clair et que quelqu'un pourra m'aider.
Place the .ai file and use the Link checkbox int the place options.
If you do not see the checkbox during placing, click on options to show them.
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Moved to the Illustrator forum from Using the Community
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Can you please tell us what you did step by step using exactly which options?
Also: what kind of file format did you save using exactly whioch options?
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I open my document, I click on the icon in the links window to re-edit it, I select my PDF (which is made like the others) and when the links have been updated, it is no longer a link.
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I cannot reproduce that.
From where do you link the PDF - from the CC library?
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From a file at desk
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dans Illustrator j'avais l'habitude d'importer des élements vectoriels en PDF (ainsi ils restaient en lien - plus rapide pour les mise à jour comme c'est un travail redondant), je les incorporaient lorsque le fichier était fini et tout était vectoriel. Mais là, lorsque je modifie mon lien, il ne reste plus en lien mais est directement vectoriel (je perd la fonction lien).
J'espère être clair et que quelqu'un pourra m'aider.
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Do you save as .ai? Do you save as the same .ai version as you used to create the file? Did you leave the checkbox "Include Linked Files" unchecked when saving?
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Yes same version
But it's as soon as I modify the link, it becomes vectorial (and disappears from the links panel)
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How do you modify the link? If you choose Edit Original, it will open the PDF in Acrobat.
Why place a PDF when you want to make changes later, why not place an .ai file?
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Placing an AI file linked works the same as placing a PDF linked, but is easier to modify with Edit Original. But I cannot reproduce your problem with the link becoming embedded.
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How do you import an AI into a linked AI??
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How do you import an AI into a linked AI??
By @Marie-Anne284356533di5
You can just place an AI file into another AI file.
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when I do that, it does not create a link for me. I just have my vector elements.
You when you do it, do you have a link?
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Place the .ai file and use the Link checkbox int the place options.
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I do not know.
But I don't see a checkbox. What window?
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When you go to File > Place and then click on a PDF once (!) to select it. There should be an option "Link"
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If you do not see the checkbox during placing, click on options to show them.
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I just saw
Great thanks a lot
it works !