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Place PDF Pages in Illustrator

Participant ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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Carlos, you created a script i believe called AI_openMultiPagePDF.

And that is awesome, However i was wondering if you could change it just a bit and instead of opening the files, could you use the PLACE command instead?

The problem i have had is that some PDF's have embedde fonts that i dont have but if i place it, then flatten transparency>Convert Outlines i can use the PDF excatly as it was and not have it convert the fonts.

Is that an easy script change?

Here is your script

#target illustrator

#targetengine session

// script.name = AI_openMultiPagePDF_CS4_CS5_v1.02.jsx;

// script.description = opens a multipage PDF;

// script.required = requires CS4 or later

// script.parent = CarlosCanto // 01/07/12;  v1.2-01/15/12

// script.elegant = false;

// Notes: I didn't try opening a ridiculous amount of pages, I "only" open 35 pages....in about a minute and a half.

//                     Use with caution, save everything before running, script is memory intensive...

// Lion fix by John Hawkinson 01/15/12

//----------------------- START UI CODE, create user interface

var win = new Window ("dialog", "MTools - Open Multipage PDF");

var fileGroup = win.add("group"); // this is the group on the left, it holds the File button and the Font label note

var btnFile = fileGroup.add("button", undefined, "File..."); // button to select the PDF to open

var lblFonts = fileGroup.add("statictext",undefined,"Unavailable\nFonts\nwill be\nsubstituted.", {multiline:true}); //

var grpRight = win.add("group"); // group on the right, to hold everything else

var txtFile = grpRight.add("edittext",undefined); // to hold selected PDF file path

var grpPanel = grpRight.add("group");

var pagesPanel = grpPanel.add("panel", undefined, "Page Range");

var lblFrom = pagesPanel.add("statictext",undefined,"From:");

var txtFrom = pagesPanel.add("edittext",undefined, 1);

var lblTo = pagesPanel.add("statictext",undefined,"To:");

var txtTo = pagesPanel.add("edittext",undefined, 1);

var btnGroup = grpPanel.add("group");

var btnOk = btnGroup.add("button", undefined, "Open");

var btnCancel = btnGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");

var lblStatus = grpRight.add("statictext",undefined,"Open Multipage PDF requires CS4 or later...");

win.orientation = pagesPanel.orientation = "row"; // two items fileGroup and grpRight

win.alignChildren = "right";

fileGroup.orientation = "column";

fileGroup.alignment = "top";

txtFile.alignment = ["fill","top"];

lblStatus.alignment = "left";

grpRight.orientation = "column";

btnGroup.orientation = "column";

btnOk.enabled = false; // disable this button until a valid file is supplied

txtFrom.characters = txtTo.characters = 3;

btnFile.active = true; // receive the first "Enter"

win.helpTip = "\u00A9 2012 Carlos Canto";

grpRight.helpTip = "Not tested with a ridiculous amount of pages";

//------------------------ get the PDF file

btnFile.onClick = function(){

          txtFile.text = ""; // clear previous File path if any

          btnOk.enabled = false; // disable the Ok button

          var fileRef = File.openDialog ("Select PDF...", "*.pdf"); // get the file

          fileRef = new File(fileRef.fsName.replace("file://","")); // Lion fix by John Hawkinson

          if(fileRef!= null && fileRef.exists) // check if it is valid file, it should be, unless after clicking a file, the name gets edited


                              txtFile.text = fileRef.fsName; // show the file Path here

                              btnOk.enabled = true; // enable the Ok button

                              txtTo.active = true; // move focus to change the last page to open




btnOk.onClick = function(){

          doSomething(); // call main function.

          win.close(); // close when done


//------------------------ on leaving this text, check again if file exist, in case file path is typed instead of clicking the File...button

txtFile.onDeactivate = function(){

          //alert("on deactivate")

          var file = File(txtFile.text); // create a file based on the text edit control

          if (file.exists){ // and chekc for existance, if it does

                    btnOk.enabled = true; // enable the Ok button


          else { // if it does not exist

                    btnOk.enabled = false; // disable the Ok button




win.center ();


//-------------------------END UI CODE

function doSomething() // Open each page in the range, group all art, move to a new document, then

          {                                                                      // with all pages on top of each other, create artboards and move each page

                                                                                          // to its final own layer, own artboard.

// get first page and last page to open

$.hiresTimer; // start timer

                    var from = txtFrom.text;

                    var to = txtTo.text;

// create destination document, pdf open options, etc

                    app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;

                    var fileRef = File(txtFile.text); // get file from text edit


                    var idoc = app.documents.add(); // add a document;

                    var pdfOptions = app.preferences.PDFFileOptions;

                    pdfOptions.pDFCropToBox = PDFBoxType.PDFBOUNDINGBOX;

                    var spacing = 10; // space between artboards

                    var arrPagesInfo = []; // to hold each PDF page name, doc size and art position

                    for (j=from; j<=to; j++) // open all pages in range, group art, and move the dest document


                                        pdfOptions.pageToOpen = j;

// Open a file using these preferences

                                        var pdfDoc = open(fileRef, DocumentColorSpace.RGB);

                                        lblStatus.text = "\u00A9 2012 Carlos Canto - Opening page " + j;


                                        var pdfLayer = pdfDoc.activeLayer;

// add a group and group all items

                                        var items = pdfLayer.pageItems; // get all items in layer, there's only one layer, right?

                                        var tempGrp = pdfDoc.groupItems.add(); // to group everything in page

                                        tempGrp.name = "Page " + j; // name the group, "Page 1", "Page 2", etc

                                        for (i=items.length-1; i>0; i--) // group all items




// get document bounds

                                        var pdfw = pdfDoc.width;

                                        var pdfh = pdfDoc.height;

                                        var activeAB = pdfDoc.artboards[0];

                                        pdfLeft = activeAB.artboardRect[0];

                                        pdfTop = activeAB.artboardRect[1];

                                        if (j==from)


                                                            firstabRect = activeAB.artboardRect;

                                                            abRect = firstabRect;





// TODO                              // x = 8498 seems to be the canvas max X position, check and make another row if a page gets to here

                                                            if ((abRect[2]+spacing+pdfw)>=8494) // if rightmost artboard position surpases the canvas size,


                                                                                var ableft = firstabRect[0]; // position next artboard below the first one

                                                                                var abtop = firstabRect[3]-spacing;

                                                                                var abright = ableft + pdfw;

                                                                                var abbottom = abtop - pdfh;

                                                                                firstabRect = [ableft, abtop, abright, abbottom];


                                                            else // if we don't get to the canvas edge, position next artboard, to the right of the last one


                                                                                var ableft = pageSpecs[3][2]+spacing; // pageSpecs[3] = abRect // abRect[2] = right position

                                                                                var abtop = pageSpecs[3][1]; // abRect[1] = top position

                                                                                var abright = ableft + pdfw;

                                                                                var abbottom = abtop - pdfh;


                                                            abRect = [ableft, abtop, abright, abbottom];


// get this group position relative to top/left

                                        var deltaX = tempGrp.left-pdfLeft;

                                        var deltaY = pdfTop-tempGrp.top;

// make an array to hold each page Name, width, height, deltaX, deltaY

                                        pageSpecs = [tempGrp.name, deltaX, deltaY,abRect]; // pageSpecs holds last page info, it gets overwritten as we add pages

                                        arrPagesInfo.unshift(pageSpecs); // unshift to make first page, the last in the array

// duplicate grouped page 1 onto dest document

                                        newItem = tempGrp.duplicate( idoc,ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);

// close current PDF page

                                        pdfDoc.close (SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES);

                              } // end for all pages to open

// Stage 2, create layers and artboards for each PDF page (group) and reposition

// loop thru the groups, add artboards for each and reposition

                              var ilayer = idoc.layers[idoc.layers.length-1]; // the one layer so far

                              for(k=arrPagesInfo.length-1; k>=0; k--) // last item in the array holds the first PDF page info


// add new layer and new AB

                                                  var newAB = idoc.artboards.add(arrPagesInfo[3]);

                                                  var newLayer = idoc.layers.add();

                                                  newLayer.name = arrPagesInfo[0]

// reposition group relative to top/left

                                                  var igroup = ilayer.groupItems;

                                                  igroup.left = newAB.artboardRect[0]+arrPagesInfo[1];

                                                  igroup.top = newAB.artboardRect[1]-arrPagesInfo[2];


// add new artboard to the left of existing one

                                                  lblStatus.text = "Repositioning page " + k;





                    app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DISPLAYALERTS;

                    var time = $.hiresTimer/1000000; // end timer

                    lblStatus.text = "Copyright 2012 \u00A9 Carlos Canto";

                    alert(arrPagesInfo.length +" pages opened in " + time.toFixed(2) + " seconds" ); // 35 pages opened in 98-99 seconds


          }// end doSomething Function







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Guru ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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You can't choose a page to open with the place command its first one ONLY… So the PDF needs to be split to pages first…





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Participant ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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Thats incorrect Mark,

If you choose a PDF to place it gives you a dialog box to select whichever page you want to place...Capture.JPG





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Guru ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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I will re-phrase… You can't choose a page to open with the place command using script its first one ONLY… So the PDF needs to be split to pages first…





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Participant ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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Ok, i see what you are saying...





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Community Expert ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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Mark is right, I did try to place when I was developing the script...and found out it was not possible, so we're stuck with opening the pdf for now.





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Guru ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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My fault wasn't clear the first time. What you are looking at is the extra work Carlos did because the app doesn't ( a work around )… Placing is the much faster route… The guide is a little misleading with PDF open/place options as a few of use have found out… Not all that is in the app GUI makes it to script… The closest to that would be Indesign and by some distance too…





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Participant ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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Oh i really like this script the way it is and 8 times out of 10 it will work perfectly and awesomely for what i need.

Of course i want to open the 182 page MUTCD catalog of signs in illustrator but most of them have text that is not converted to outlines.

I can open the 1 i want by placing them but anyways longer story....





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Community Expert ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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sorry about that...that's the way it is, Illustrator is abandoned compared to other CS apps, I think there's no budget for it (I like to think Adobe doesn't make enough money to put some more resources to fix what's broken and provide "real" updates)...and Illustrator scripting is....well...very very limited.





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Enthusiast ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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It's possible to place MultiPagePDF into illustrator by VBS, and i think also by AS. With CS6 is aslo possible by JS.

The core steps are:

1. record an action, the only thing need to record is insert menuitem - "Edit>Paste", name the actionset as "Do Action", name the action as "Paste PDF".

2. before run the script, copy you PDF file into clipboard,

3. if you want to modify the import seetings, juse import PDF file manualy with all you seetings, then you can delete the imported item.

4. run this script.

#target illustrator

#targetengine 'main'

var VB = VB || {

    vbs: ['Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")', 'appRef.DoScript "Paste PDF", "Do Action"', 'Set appRef = Nothing'].join('\n'),

    tmpFile: function FN( /*?str*/ s) {

        FN.file && FN.file.remove();

        FN.file = null;

        if (!s) return null;

        return FN.file = (function (fx) {

            fx = new File('' + fx);

            if (!fx.open("w")) return null;



            return fx;

        })(Folder.temp + '/_' + (+new Date) + '.vbs');



    f = VB.tmpFile(VB.vbs),

    u, //undefined shortcut

    w = new Window('palette', u, u);

w.margins = [0, 0, 0, 0];

w.add("button", u, "Import PDF").addEventListener('click', function () {

    var Prefs = app.preferences;

    this.visible = 0;

    if (ScriptUI.environment.keyboardState.ctrlKey) {

        Prefs.setIntegerPreference('plugin/PDFImport/PageNumber', 1);





    p = Prefs.getIntegerPreference('plugin/PDFImport/PageNumber');

    Prefs.setIntegerPreference('plugin/PDFImport/PageNumber', p + 1);


    this.visible = 1;


w.onShow = f.execute(); //脚本启动自动置入第一页


Here is the original link.

And also check my version of open MultiPagePDF





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Guru ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Moluapple, I see you write your VB string to file and then execute that in order to run your action… Im 95% certain this can't be done with AppleScript… The syntax needs to be complied either by the editor or shellscript… Its a shame AI does NOT have ID's doScript() which will run VB or AppleScript… Personally I would prefer to split the PDF as background process to temp folder and place those… Where did you find reference to that plugin prefs? I have not seen that before…





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Participant ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Mark what is the easist way to split a pdf into individual pdf pages?

Also mark on the Original Link its in chinesebut when you translate it the guy writing the article talks about the plugin prefs command..





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Enthusiast ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Hi, Mark,

Im 95% certain this can't be done with AppleScript… The syntax needs to be complied either by the editor or shellscript…

Your mean even use File.execute() to run a pre-complied AppleScript file is also impossible? Otherwise is possible isn't it?

Where did you find reference to that plugin prefs? I have not seen that before…

I found this in the AIPrefs file, and I should say I was inspired by the "switchRulerOriginToCS4nCS5.jsx" script written by Carlos.

Yes, the AIPrefs file is exactly the REFERENCE for app.preferences.

Personally I would prefer to split the PDF as background process to temp folder and place those…

I think the total filesize of the splited PDFs is large then a single PDF, and keep one file only is a much clean workflow.





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