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Pop-up won't let me use or close app

New Here ,
Sep 23, 2024 Sep 23, 2024

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My app is not full-screen and I had moved it down to the corner of the window. When I reopened my laptop there's a pop-up in the lower right corner that's partially out of frame. I can't click the "done" button because it's not on the screen, but because the pop-up is prioritized it won't let me move or enlarge the window to access the button.


I tried tabbing to the "done" button to try to click via the return button, but it won't let me access the button via the keyboard. Right now I can't use Illustrator at all because I can't close the pop-up. I tried quitting out of Illustrator, tried deleting the app, and tried many ways to move or enlarge the window. After deleting the app I tried downloading the newest version, but it keeps giving me a conflict error. Please let me know how to get rid of the pop-up so I can use Illustrator again.


Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 4.47.30 PM.png







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Community Expert ,
Sep 23, 2024 Sep 23, 2024

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You could try resetting your Illustrator preferences. This will restore the program to its defaults. Hopefully, it will fix the issue that you're having.

To reset preferences on a Mac:

The User Library folder in which Illustrator’s preferences are stored is hidden by default on most Macintoshes. To access it make sure that Illustrator is closed and click on the desktop to launch a Finder Window (Command-N).With this window in column view follow the path User>Home folder (it’s the folder with an icon that looks like a house—it may have the user’s name rather than “Home”) and click on the Home folder. With the Option Key pressed choose Library from the Finder Go Menu. “Library” will now appear within the Home folder. Within the Library folder find the folder called Preferences and within it find the folder called “Adobe Illustrator <Version #> Settings” (earlier versions of Illustrator might just say “Adobe Illustrator”) and the file called “com.adobe.Illustrator.plist” and delete both that folder and that file. When Illustrator is next launched it will create new preference files and the program will be restored to its defaults. 

The advantage of manually deleting preference file sin this manner is that after you’ve reset up the program (make sure that no document window is open) to your liking, you can create copies of your personalized “mint” preference files (make sure that you quit the program before copying them—that finalizes your customization) and use them in the future to replace any corrupt versions you may need to delete.





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