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Hi, i have a problem to make my object shorter, my object is a simple rounded rectangle.
I want to make it shorter ( shrink it while keeping the same width ) but i can't.
Its like he is " blocked " to became shorter.
I can make him longer but if i do that, again i can't make it shorter.
So i can only make it longer than the previous size.
He get longer and longer but impossible to make him shorter.
Im pretty sure that before, i could do that.
If you have the solutions that would help me a lot !
Thank you that is helpful and I can exactly repdroduce the problem you describe. It seems to be a bug in Illustrator.
To work around it, try rotating by 0.001°. That fixed it for me.
- Mark
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Hi @gui09911,
I made a rectangle, then gave it rounded corners, then rotated it, similar to yours and I can drag the length up and down no problem. Something must be different about yours and lots of things can cause it. Can you please post a pdf of your example document? Make sure you include Illustrator compatibility.
- Mark
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Thank you that is helpful and I can exactly repdroduce the problem you describe. It seems to be a bug in Illustrator.
To work around it, try rotating by 0.001°. That fixed it for me.
- Mark
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Yess that worked thanks a lot !
That's a weird bug aha, im gonna report this
Thank you that is helpful and I can exactly repdroduce the problem you describe. It seems to be a bug in Illustrator.
To work around it, try rotating by 0.001°. That fixed it for me.
- Mark
By @m1b
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Did you try the width ?
The problem is fixed for the heigth but now it's the same problem for the width.
( That not a problem for me, i only need the heigth but i found that weird )
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Yeah, there is definitely something buggy going on. You can report it here. Provide a link to this thread, too, so they can use your demo file. Also, if you post a bug, please post the link to the bug report here so people can vote on it.
- Mark
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I also tried it for myself. I didn't have this problem. Try restarting Illustrator and see if the problem persists.
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I just tried to restart Illustrator, start a new file and try another rectangle on 315° and it's the same bug.
Try to make a rectangle, then make the corner fully round and put the object in 315°.
Tell me if you got the problem or if it's okay for you
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I tried and had the same problem as you. This is indeed a bug.
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Dragging it to make it shorter does not work (unless I make the corner radius smaller), but changing the height of the shape in the Transform panel works.