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Hi Everyone,
I'm working in the fashion industry where we are creating a lot of patterns and textile designs.
The Adobe illustrator help guide explain the following tip to transfom pattern inside a vector shape without having to move the vector object :
It seems this shorcut works only with US and UK keyboard.
I'm using a french keyboard where it doesn't work, probably because there is'nt any key especially dedicated to the Tilde sign (~), and you need to combin multiple keys to get this symbol (Alt GR + the key 2 above the key Z) .
I finally found the shortcut on MAC which is the keyboard key with the britisih pound sterling symbol (£). But not on PC !!!
Can anybody tell me how to get this shortcut on PC with a french keyboard ?
Is there a way to change the shortcut for this very useful option, without having to take care of the kind of keyboard ?
It would be very kind if someone can help me to fix this issue.
Thanks a lot.
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You may try < (just to the right of Shift), or take the time to go through all the keys.
The following is a list of known equivalents (the French for Mac taken from your OP with thanks).
Tilde key: UK: ' (just below the @, to the left of Enter, at least in CS6), Icelandic and German: < (just to the right of Shift), French (only Mac): £, Danish: æ (just to the right of L)
Any new findings will be added to the list so others may benefit.
My suggesting < comes from a (most likely silly) hope that the same key applies to (most) Continental European (and the Icelandic) keyboards.
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On Windows you need to switch to US-English language keyboard first. At least that's the case in the German version.
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Hi agree that it's not convenient to switch to US keyboard only to be able to use this shortcut.
Why not adding this feature in the list of feature you can edit the shortcut in the "Keyboard Shortcut" menu ?
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I use an Icelandic keyboard which uses the > key (between Shift and Z), same as Jacob’s.
I suppose you know that you can use the Scale and Rotate tools for this kind of work if you want numerically accurate scaling and rotation of patterns? Just de-check ‘Objects’ in the Scale and Rotate dialogues.
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Yes, i know we can do it this way by double clicking the Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Scale or rotate tool to open the editing window.
My concern is to find the accurate way which is to do it directly by dragging the image with the right shortcut.
But it doesn't exist on windows with the French keyboard.
Sometimes i don't understand really why a such usefull funtionnality is not available for all.
The same for Adobe Kuler which is not available on the french version of Illlustrator.
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In the last update of Adobe Illustrator CC you will find Kuler Panel in the french version
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Try using the Rotate tool with various modifier keys. If the key to the right of Shift doesn’t work for you, try others (usually near the ends of the keyboard).
Is there anyone else out there with a French keyboard who knows the trick?
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it may be worth trying external tools, I haven't tried it myself, I just searched for it
here's a video of how to remap your keyboard with microsoft tools
Remap the Keyboard in Windows 7 - YouTube
or, also from microsoft
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I know this question is dated, but here's how I managed to do this in lovely QC
Select your shape and then get the Rotate tool + Identify your rotation point + Press the Backward accent (accent grave) key and you should be able to rotate the pattern.
Works for me, hope this helps!
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Are you on a Mac? I have the Mac French Canadian keyboard and to create the accent grave, I have to press ALT+` so it automatically creates a duplicate of my shape instead of being able to move the pattern. Any shortcut for the French Canadian Keyboard for Mac?
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Will the following help?
French-Canadian QWERTY: Alt/Option+U accent to the left of the Z key (to the right of the Shift key), maybe working without the AltGr, as shown here:
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Will the following help?
French-Canadian QWERTY: Alt/Option+U accent to the left of the Z key (to the right of the Shift key), maybe working without the AltGr, as shown here:
Marie-Claude doesn't want to type the letter, but move the pattern.
Only possiblity is to go to and make a feature request.
Or change your system language/maybe even Illustrator language
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I (mis)read the post by Marie-Claude to exactly correspond to the OP and be another case of missing ~ equivalent (French Canadian, which had found its answer long after the OP of this thread).
I am still unconvinced otherwise, but open to another interpretation; I hope we shall see.
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Thanks for your feedback.
Yes, my question was what is the shortcut to transform a pattern on a French Canadian Keyboard. I haven’t found the answer yet. ALT+ù doesn’t work as anything combined with ALT creates a duplicate instead of doing anything else.
I’ve decided to use the transformation panel and it works fine.
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Please add your vote on this bug report: Move pattern (swatch pattern) within shape with direct selection tool – Adobe Illustrator Feedback
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Thank you for sharing, Marie-Claude.
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Thank you very much
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Does anyone know what this shortcut is called? So maybe I can make my own shortcut, but I don't know how to find it in my shortcuts.
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It can't be changed.