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Hi everyone,
I am having trouble with my repeating patterns that I make in the Object>Pattern>Make.
I need to be able to make a surface pattern in one size and then scale it bigger and smaller for different uses.
I have tried two different ways and each gets me a different problem.
If I edit the original scale in the area of editing pattern swatches, and "save a copy" as a new swatch in a different scale, I get white vertical and horizontal lines inside my swatch (see the picture).
If I just use the original swatch to fill a rectangle and then have another identical sized rectangle underneath it with the desired background colour, and then scale them and the art board by say 50%, I end up with a grey border around the tile. Then if I try to use my tile as a repeating pattern it has a thin uneven border that is also repeated.
i have fiddled with so many settings and making sure everything is done in whole pixels and the the X and Y axis in the top left corner are set to 0 for everything and art board matches etc etc but I still get one or both of these problems.
I have been left having to recreate my patterns from scratch every time I need to change scale- but this is often impossible due to how many elements I have used and resized etc.
Hard to see on the image, you probably photographed your screen, it will be much clearer if you capture your monitor screen:
About your scaling problem, you can also scale the existing pattern inside an object without scaling the object:
Fill a rectangle with your pattern.
In the Transform panel menu select: Transform Pattern Only.
You will have the same choice when you double click the scale tool.
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Hard to see on the image, you probably photographed your screen, it will be much clearer if you capture your monitor screen:
About your scaling problem, you can also scale the existing pattern inside an object without scaling the object:
Fill a rectangle with your pattern.
In the Transform panel menu select: Transform Pattern Only.
You will have the same choice when you double click the scale tool.
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Hi there Sienna, I have been having the same issues for months now and get a white fine line checkerboard on my pattern swatches too! I have reported it to Adobe so hopefully they will resolve it. Mine started appearing beginning of the year, when did yours start appearing?
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@Lilly-Jo 11 schrieb:
Hi there Sienna, I have been having the same issues for months now and get a white fine line checkerboard on my pattern swatches too! I have reported it to Adobe so hopefully they will resolve it. Mine started appearing beginning of the year, when did yours start appearing?
Please show screenshots.