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I am somewhat new to adobe illustrator and few issues I keep having are, the grids wont change from dots to lines when I select the option to change them. The second issue, which is one that is causing more trouble, the anchor points I have will not align to the grid in any similar positions and im not sure how to fix this. I've tried moving two similar points to complete new areas and in no way will they align, it is almost as if they are operating on a separate grid from each other? I have tried turning smart guides and snapping on and off, changing the measurements from inches to pixels and nothing seems to be a solution. I attached some screenshots showing the anchor points being moved as little as possible as well as some screenshots moving the anchor points as close as possible still does not have them aligned even when the numerical values show that they are so im unsure what is causing that. If I try to edit the values them through the transform menu and change the exact numerical points they seem to go completely off the art board. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Are you still running into this issue? If so, could you please share what iOS and the Illustrator build?
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It's working for me. Can you show a screen shot of your Grid controls?
Do you have Snap to Grid enabled?
I can't test this next one now because it's late in my time zone, but in the desktop version, Smart Guides do not work when Snap to Grid is enabled.