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Love illustrator on iPad Pro but Pathfinder functions differently..

Participant ,
Dec 19, 2020 Dec 19, 2020

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Anyone know if you can "combine" paths and then use the segment tool as a path like you can on the desktop? Love being able to work mobile but a tad concerned that two "combined" paths are still two paths and not one when I select the segment tool..not sure if I like that feature and rather it be like it is on the desktop where if I take two conjoining paths and convert to one it becomes a single path (not two) paths..will this be changed or is this the new direction for Adobe?  Let me know your thoughts. Love it otherwise on iPad Pro 4th gen...but I'd have to get used to this in my workflow....unless it's a feature they just haven't addressed yet fully. 

Draw and design , Feature request






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Contributor , Dec 20, 2020 Dec 20, 2020

Ahh. Now I understand.


The Answer: the Combine menu on the iPad produces Compound Shapes, not united, subtracted, intersected or excluded paths. You can make Compound Shapes on the desktop version too. (Have a look at the flyout menu on the Pathfinder panel.)


The Solution: You have two actually.

1. After you make a Compound Shape in the way you describe, return to the Combine panel and click Convert to path (last item on the panel). Now you have the "completed" Pathfinder operation that you prefe




Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2020 Dec 20, 2020

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Having trouble understanding exactly what objects you're working with and what pathfinder operations are inconvenient for you. As a simple example, on the iPad I draw a square, partially overlap it with a circle, select both, then use the shapebuilder to "unite" them. The result is a single, closed path in the shape of the combined objects. I can manipulate that single, closed path (move, copy, transform, color, etc.) in the same way I can manipulate any simple path. I can use the selection tool or the direct selection tool in the same way I can on the desktop. Obviously, I must be misunderstanding your question, Can you elaborate?





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Participant ,
Dec 20, 2020 Dec 20, 2020

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I think that I have been maybe a tad critical. When I do the same,I can still see and edit both paths individually where say when I minus front on the desktop, the front path would be "gone" and it only shows the newly created path...On the iPad, it's still there although you can't fill it (which is good) but it shows both paths and just not used to that. Both paths and segments and anchors show..i was kind of expecting to only see the newly created path...it really is more of a psychological preference I think. Unless I'm missing something on the iPad...been using illustrator for 2 decades and loving the iPad Pro and Adobe cloud.   I attached a screen shot from the iPad so you can sort of see a minus front example. Same goes with combine all...different in pathfinder on desktop if you need a screen of that to see the difference? Thanks for your help!!74F1DBAC-76CB-4B10-8C01-E0804AA9325F.jpeg





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Contributor ,
Dec 20, 2020 Dec 20, 2020

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Ahh. Now I understand.


The Answer: the Combine menu on the iPad produces Compound Shapes, not united, subtracted, intersected or excluded paths. You can make Compound Shapes on the desktop version too. (Have a look at the flyout menu on the Pathfinder panel.)


The Solution: You have two actually.

1. After you make a Compound Shape in the way you describe, return to the Combine panel and click Convert to path (last item on the panel). Now you have the "completed" Pathfinder operation that you prefer.


2. Don't combine your paths with the Pathfinder operations in the Combine shapes panel. Instead, make them with the Shape builder tool (first item in that panel).





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Participant ,
Dec 20, 2020 Dec 20, 2020

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Yeah that's it! Always looking for something more complicated than reality lol.






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