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Where is the right place to ask?

Participant ,
Jul 11, 2021 Jul 11, 2021

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I am struggling with an AI ipad problem which I don't know is a bug or a limitation in my hardware. I posted a question here last week which I maybe gave a rather clumsy title "Program sluggish on 1.gen .12.9" Ipad pro 256gb.". I marked it with the tag "bug" since I didn't find any other more suitable.

so where is the appropriate place to ask this kind of question to Adobe for a program you pay to use eb]very month? If you also know the answers to the questins below - you'll really make my day!


A few people have had a look at the original post, but I'm the only one to answer myself there - or rather ask new questions.


To spare you the search for it, I paste in the text here, explaining the problem:
"the more vector objects/anchor points I have in an illustration, the slower the program seems to work.

bery often I have to close the image and reopen it to get it correctly drawn. I have no exacr numbers but assume the problem starts with 100-200 objects/points. Maybe more. 
I noticed the problem more than ever before when I was drawing a big bird and started drawing individual feathers - and even more when I mirror the half bird I actually draw.


This applies to the graphics, but also to the list of object or group of objects on the right side.

I notice when deleted objects remain in the list and I'm unable to select or remove them there.

Can someone please explain to me what the problem is and how to avoid it. 

I am aware I don't have the fastest ipad available.

BUT my iPad is listed as powerful enough to run the program and it has max. storage space.


I have never been able to figure out about iPad RAM - the memory needed by the processor. Does it use the storage space for this?


I don't know what is the correct topic for my post, so I have selected "Bug" even though that may not be the problem."


Thank you for your time used reading this.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 11, 2021 Jul 11, 2021

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Hi Stein,


For now, the appropriate place to report bugs and issues in on Uservoice. If you open the App Settings in Illustrator on iPad, and go to Help, you'll find the links to report a bug or suggest an improvement. Those links will take you here:








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Participant ,
Jul 11, 2021 Jul 11, 2021

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Thanks.  Ut would you consider my issue a bug!





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