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ErrorCode status = kFailure;
UIFlags uiFlags = kSuppressUI;
InterfacePtr<ICommand> pdfExportCmd(CmdUtils::CreateCommand(kPDFExportCmdBoss));
if (!pdfExportCmd) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to create PDF export command");
return status;
// set export prefs on the command by copying from the workspace export prefs.
InterfacePtr<IPDFExportPrefs> pdfExportPrefs(pdfExportCmd, UseDefaultIID());
InterfacePtr<IPDFExportPrefs> appExportPrefs((IPDFExportPrefs*)::QuerySessionPreferences(IID_IPDFEXPORTPREFS));
if (!pdfExportPrefs || !appExportPrefs) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to retrieve export preferences");
return status;
// set ISysFileData to point to the output file.
InterfacePtr<ISysFileData> trgSysFileData(pdfExportCmd, IID_ISYSFILEDATA);
if (!trgSysFileData) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to set output file data");
return status;
// set security prefs on the command by copying from the workspace security prefs.
InterfacePtr<IPDFSecurityPrefs> securityPrefs(pdfExportCmd, UseDefaultIID());
InterfacePtr<IPDFSecurityPrefs> appSecurityPrefs((IPDFSecurityPrefs*)::QuerySessionPreferences(IID_IPDFSECURITYPREFS));
if (!securityPrefs || !appSecurityPrefs) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to retrieve security preferences");
return status;
// set print content prefs, if needed. We are doing nothing here.
InterfacePtr<IPrintContentPrefs> printContentPrefs(pdfExportCmd, IID_IPRINTCONTENTPREFS);
// set to true if outputting a book file
InterfacePtr<IBoolData> bookExport(pdfExportCmd, IID_IBOOKEXPORT);
if (!bookExport) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to set book export flag");
return status;
// set UI flags, kFullUI, kMinimalUI, or kSuppressUI
InterfacePtr<IUIFlagData> uiFlagData(pdfExportCmd, IID_IUIFLAGDATA);
if (!uiFlagData) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to set UI flags");
return status;
// set up the scope of export (pages)
UIDList pageItemList(pagesUIDList);
InterfacePtr<IOutputPages> outputPages(pdfExportCmd, UseDefaultIID());
if (!outputPages) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to initialize output pages");
return status;
IDataBase* db = pageItemList.GetDataBase();
if (!db) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to get database from page item list");
return status;
bool16 isExportingSpreads = (pdfExportPrefs->GetPDFExReaderSpreads() == IPDFExportPrefs::kExportReaderSpreadsON);
// Initialize output pages with the given page list and spread setting
outputPages->InitializeFrom(pageItemList, isExportingSpreads); // for spreads
int32 nProgressItems = pageItemList.Length();
// set PDF document name (get name from IDocument)
InterfacePtr<IDocument> doc ((IDocument*)db->QueryInstance(db->GetRootUID(), IID_IDOCUMENT));
if (!doc) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Failed to get document instance");
return status;
PMString documentName;
// setup progress bar, if not suppressing the UI.
K2::scoped_ptr<RangeProgressBar> deleteProgressBar;
bool16 bShowImmediate = kTrue;
if(uiFlags != kSuppressUI)
RangeProgressBar *progress = new RangeProgressBar( "Generating PDF", 0, nProgressItems, bShowImmediate, kTrue, nil, kTrue);
// finally process command
status = CmdUtils::ProcessCommand(pdfExportCmd);
if (status != kSuccess) {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Command processing failed");
} else {
LOG_ERROR(LayerSetLogger::getLogger(), "Command processed successfully");
Search the SDK and this forum for the recent change of the macOS version from HFS to Posix paths.
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Is there a specific reason why you need to do it as a plug-in - instead of a script?
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Search the SDK and this forum for the recent change of the macOS version from HFS to Posix paths.
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The issue was indeed related to file paths using HFS instead of the POSIX path style. I confirmed this by temporarily removing the cookie file named 'ENABLE_POSIX_PATH'. I have since updated the plug-in code, and it is now functioning as expected. Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.