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Hi all,
I'm having an issue with playback when publishing online. A page I created has multiple audio tracks (5 short .mp3 clips with sound effects), all synched to play together in the timing panel and on page load. I have an image layer on top of the tracks (to make them invisible) I have also tried moving the image to the layer under - it made no difference. In the media preview window it all plays like it's supposed to, when I publish it - absolutely nothing, not even a beep. When I moved the image to the back and had multiple player buttons on the page it still wouldn't play neither on page load, nor simaltenuosly, tracks only played when you press play on each individual track. I also tried creating a page with a .gif or .mp4 before the page with the audio to trigger user intercation, but once it comes to the page with audio - again, not a sound. I tried loading it in mulptiple browsers - nothing. Plus I need to share it with a client and ideally it should just work everywhere, rather than come with an intrusction "Play only on mozilla firefox"
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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I don't believe Publish Online has the sophistication of using the Timing panel to sych audio tracks. That's not what is was designed for.
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Hey Steve, thanks for your response! In that case, when I only keep one audio track it still doesn't play on page load, why do you think that might be? And why do they al play fine in the EPUB media preview?
Thank you!
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I can't tell you why that wouldn't work because I haven't used audio on Publish Online. But EPUB preview isn't really adapted for Publish Online. Publish Online is using HTML, and not really preview for Publish Online.
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If you want audio in your online publish doc, the best workaround I can offer is to have user click button to start audio playback.
I realize this doesn't address the needs of your presentation, but if audio autoplay is essential, you may need to look at a different method to present.