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Can't Place Illustrator Files at Correct Dimensions

Community Beginner ,
Jan 02, 2023 Jan 02, 2023

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I have a series of Illustrator files that I'm trying to place on their own Pages in InDesign.


To make things simple, all of the Illustrator files have the same artboard size: 8.5 x 11"


Within each Illustrator file, I've also created a solid rectangle to represent the margins. Each file has a rectangle that is exactly 8" x 10.5" with a solid black stroke of the same width. No artwork goes outside of these margin rectangles. Every margin rectangle is exactly the same in each file.


For some reason, when I place the .AI files directly into InDesign, there are discrepancies between all of the files.


First, InDesign is completely disregarding the artboard size. So maybe InDesign is ignoring the extra empty space, but that's why I created the margin rectangles. What's weird is that even though the margin rectangles are exactly the same in each Illustrator file, InDesign is importing them at slightly different sizes. It adds some space to the sides of the margin rectangles which prevents me from getting an exact fit when I resize the linked file to either 8.5" x 11" or 8" x 10.5" and Fit Content Proprotionally. I cannot understand why each file is getting its own size treatment when its placed in InDesign.


Can someone help me understand this? I've also tried saving the .AI files as .PDF and importing them that way, but the same thing happens. I'm just trying to get the sizing the exact same on all of the AI files when placed on their Pages in InDesign.


Thank you to anyone who knows what's going on here...


Import and export , Print






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 02, 2023 Jan 02, 2023

What kind of a difference? 


What are the measurement units in the PDF / AI and what are in the InDesign? 


What do you select in "options" during import? 


What if you export as JPEG / PNG from Illustrator? 




Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2023 Jan 02, 2023

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What kind of a difference? 


What are the measurement units in the PDF / AI and what are in the InDesign? 


What do you select in "options" during import? 


What if you export as JPEG / PNG from Illustrator? 






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 02, 2023 Jan 02, 2023

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I'm going to mark this as solved because you pointed out something I was missing: the import options.


I didn't see that checkbox when placing the AI files. "Crop to: Media" seemed to place the file at its full, original dimensions.


Thank you!





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