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Hi I can't upload any files to InDesign. Adobe instructions say go to File > Place but Place is greyed out when I select File. So when I click on Place, nothing happens. Also Ctrl + D does not work. I hope you can help!
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Thank you. I really appreciate it. I have only just installed it so wouldn't have expected to run into problems so soon. It's the very first action I tried to take but I guess if even that doesn't work I'll run into more problems so I'll try the solutions.
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Try resetting preferences as Robert noted, but I need to ask:
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2. Don't think empty or populated document would make a difference?
3. Locked layer - when active - displays a distinctive cursor.
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2. Every problem could potentially be document-specific, so testing with a brand new document is the most common troubleshooting step. The OP's document could be corrupted, or it might not even be an INDD. We don't know, so I asked them to start from scratch.
3. Yes, but, again, we don't know if the OP is seeing that cursor. Starting a new docoument eliminates the potential of a locked layer, corrupted document, and other possible causes so that we have a base to work from in diagnosing the problem.
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I can't upload any files to InDesign. Adobe instructions say go to File > Place but Place is greyed out when I select File.
Hi @ali_4619 The word “upload” you use let me think that you are a beginner. Am I wrong?
You can't simply “upload” an image to inDesign. If you want to place (or import, it is the same) an image, you need first to create an InDesign document, and then you can place the image you want. The process is the same to place (or import) a text file (txt, rtf, doc, docx) : you must have an existing InDesign document.