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i'm looking for a solution to unlink all InCopy stories and delete all assignments from an InDesign book after production. Because we might reuse a portion of the content in other publications, which leads to a few challenges…
a) We might have to change the textflow because of different font stylings in the other publication, but of course want to keep the original unchanged.
b) It trips up designers who don't pay attention to the Assignments panel, as copying assigned stories to a different document hides them in the "Unassigned Content" region of the panel. So they are wondering why they can't edit the text.
We have our publication set up as one double page spread per InDesign document, so multiple designers can edit different parts of the publication, all collected in one InDesign book file for the whole issue. Opening each page and manually unlinking/deleting all InCopy content would be tedious. Is there a script or other method which would help with this?
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If you work on Windows - my ID-Tasker tool could do this and a lot more - but isn't free.
Or here is a free/donation solution from @Peter Kahrel
You would also need a simple JS script that would be executed on each file - I'll try to prepare something later today - I'm on my phone right now - or someone else might be quicker with a working code.
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We're on Macs (and getting our bosses to pay for addons would be another issue).
I looked at Peter Kahrels converter, running a script on a bunch of documents would be a first step. Thanks for the tip!
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Go to the link panel, select the IC link and embedd it.
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This would be essentially the same as copying a linked story and unlinking it afterwards in the new document. That's what we're doing at the moment.
I'd like to strip all InCopy content from our documents in one go after the issue went to the printer, if possible.