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Hi !
I'm trying to automate the creation of business cards.
For this, I use data merging, then apply GREP commands to finalize, but I have some difficulties with GREP :
When my data merge table has empty boxes, I end up with lines containing only the title (for example: "Tel", "Mel"...) which I want to disappear.
Here is the command I make:
Tel. : \r|Port. : \r|Mél : \r
This works perfectly for the first 2 lines, but not on the last line since there is no paragraph break.
I don't know how to search for "Mél : " specifying that it must be selected only if there is no text on the rest of the line.
Obviously I don't want to delete the title "Mél : " if there is an email address after.
Any idea to help me with this ? 🙂
Use $ to indicate end of line: Mel$
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Use $ to indicate end of line: Mel$
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Oh ok, thank you !