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does anyone know why this script below does not work ? I am trying to duplicate frame with image and then group them together, but cant figure out how
any help is very appreciated . Thank you
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
tell active document
set mySelection to item 1 of selection
duplicate mySelection
set mySelection2 to item 1 of selection
tell mySelection2
bring to front
end tell
make group with properties {group items:{mySelection2, mySelection}}
end tell
end tell
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just realized I was grouping same item. New code below... but still does not work ... error "cant make class group."
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
tell active document
set mySelection to item 1 of selection
set mySelection2 to duplicate mySelection
tell mySelection2
bring to front
end tell
tell active document
make group with properties {group items:{mySelection2, mySelection}}
end tell
end tell
end tell
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The group command seems to insist on an "at" parameter. For example, assuming mySeelction is directly on a page:
make group at parent of mySelection with properties {group items:{mySelection2, mySelection}}
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just in case someone comes up upon this thread looking for an answer, the answer is here: