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help: Endnotes is jumping chapters and I can't figure out why

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Mar 18, 2023 Mar 18, 2023

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I'm using InDesign 2021 and trying to insert endnotes at the end of each chapter in this document. Chapters are set to autoflow content. I've verified that the last text box for each chapter has a blank out port.


Inserting Endnotes for Ch. 1 went perfectly fine — it created a new separate text box with the little Endnotes icon at the bottom of the box frame.


Started to do the first Endnote for Ch. 2 and suddenly it's jumping to the end of Ch. 3, creating a new text flow box on the next page (it's linked instead of separate), and adding the spot for the first endnote there.


I don't understand why it's bypassing the blank page at the end of Chapter 2. I also don't understand why, once it's jumped to Ch. 3, it's not making a brand-new text box and instead decides to continue the existing text thread.


Please help — I haven't been able to find a video tutorial out there that troubleshoots this scenario. Am I missing something? 

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New Here ,
Mar 18, 2023 Mar 18, 2023

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I forgot to include a screenshot of my Document Endnote settings:





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Community Expert ,
Mar 18, 2023 Mar 18, 2023

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InDesign has only two options for end notes: end of document, or end of story.


To use the latter, each chapter has to be a separate story — a separate text flow in its own contained sequence of text frames. (This is, I find, a clumsy way to manage a document that's not a magazine.)


End notes don't know bupkis about "chapters" and headings and blank pages. Just "whole doc" or "stories." It looks as if you have things set up correctly, but you need to make sure your chapters are each individual stories within the structure.


┋┊ InDesign to Kindle (& EPUB): A Professional Guide, v3.1 ┊ (Amazon) ┊┋





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New Here ,
Mar 18, 2023 Mar 18, 2023

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Thanks for replying, James. Right now each chapter's content is its own story.


What's odd to me is that I can do the Endnotes just fine for the Ch. 1 story. And I just tested it for Ch. 4, and that worked too.


The hairy part is the Ch. 2 and 3 stories. I thought, well, if Ch. 2 isn't working (as I described above), let me try Ch. 3. I don't even have the option to insert an endnote within that story — the option is grayed out in the main menu, and doesn't show up when I right-click. So I can't tell what it is about those two particular stories within this document that isn't working since all the chapter stories were built the same way. Thoughts??





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