How to Change Title Case
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Hello everyone
I am using indesing cs6. I am using a veriable in folio (Title Case). But i have some change in this book folio
As you see in the screenshot the chapter name is Hardware And Software. I want to 'And' is small case. Plesae help me . Like this Hardware and Software
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Hi @Peeyush37849741 that looks like it is on a parent spread (master page) so try going to the master and changing it manually—if it is set up right it will change on every page.
Otherwise, do a Find Text as you normally would, like this:
Is that what you mean?
- Mark
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Title Case is "dumb" and doesn't understandthe nuances of style. Unfortuantely, you say this is being picked up as a variable, and Find/Change, to the best of my knowledge, will not help. Variables are, to InDesign's inner workings, a single character, not a text string.
I'm guessing here that you are using one of the Running Header Variables to accomplish this. If so, is there a reason you haven't formatted the triggering text that is being picked up by the variable to look the way you want it to appear?
One possible workaround might be to change the style used to trigger the variable to a new style used only for that purpose (and it can have no characteristics other than a unique name), then add non-printing text, perhaps in an anchored object to assure it flows with the text during editing, that has the correct capitalization. I often do something similar to create Table Of Contents entries that otherwise would not show up in the body of the work, or that need to be shortened or reformatted.