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Hi all,
I was wondering if any of you scripters would know how to add in a piece of code that would allow me to generate a page size variable,
I have already found a script that adds in a user name to my slug but i dont know how to add one for page size as im not fluent in JavaScript.
Any help would be much appreciated!! see current script below:
#targetengine 'usernameVariable'
//This function adds static text variables in InDesign
//They won't be dynamically updated though.
//That's why we need the updating function below
function addVariables(openEvent){
var doc = openEvent.parent;
while ( != "Document" )
if ( == "Application" ){ return; }
doc = doc.parent;
//Adding User name to text variables
createTextVariable(doc, "User name", (Folder.myDocuments).parent.displayName );
//Adding Computer name to text variables
createTextVariable(doc, "HD Name", (Folder.system).parent.displayName );
//Adding Computer name to text variables
createTextVariable(doc, "Computer Name", getComputerName() );
//Adding a link to my website
createTextVariable(doc, "_About Loic Aigon", "Feel free to visit my website: !" );
//Generic function to add static custom text variables
function createTextVariable(target, variableName, variableContents){
var usernameVariable = target.textVariables.itemByName(variableName);
usernameVariable = target.textVariables.add();
usernameVariable.variableType = VariableTypes.CUSTOM_TEXT_TYPE; = variableName;
usernameVariable.variableOptions.contents = variableContents;
//Snippet for grabbing the deep name of the computer
function getComputerName(){
var APLScript = "get computer name of (system info)";
var VBScript = "Dim wshShell\
Set wshShell = CreateObject( \"WScript.Shell\" )\
strComputerName = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( \"%COMPUTERNAME%\" )\
app.scriptArgs.SetValue \"computerName\", strComputerName";
var scpt = (File.fs=="Windows")? VBScript : APLScript;
var language = (File.fs=="Windows")? ScriptLanguage.visualBasic : ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE;
var scriptResult = app.doScript(scpt, language);
var computerName = (File.fs=="Windows")? app.scriptArgs.getValue("computerName") : scriptResult;
return computerName;
//Add listeners to update file when opened.
app.addEventListener('afterOpen', addVariables);
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If all the pages are the same size then you can use the below, if not then I would not recommend using text variables
See The intro comments
// Main script by Loic Aigon Add highly customized Text Variables to InDesign | Ozalto
// Additions (First Page Dimensions and variable update on script execution)
// and modifications (without permission, sorry Loic) by Trevor
#targetengine 'usernameVariable'
//This function adds static text variables in InDesign
//They won't be dynamically updated though.
//That's why we need the updating function below
function toTitleCase(s) { // By Trevor
return s.toLowerCase().replace(/\b\w/g, function () {return arguments[0].toUpperCase()});
function myRound(thisNumber, digits) { // By Trevor
digits = (digits) ? Math.pow(10, digits) : 1000;
return Math.round(thisNumber * digits) / digits;
function addVariables(openEvent){
if (!openEvent) return;
var doc = (openEvent.constructor == Document) ? openEvent : openEvent.parent; // By Trevor
while ( != "Document" )
if ( == "Application" ){ return; }
doc = doc.parent;
//Adding User name to text variables
createTextVariable(doc, "User name", $.getenv($.os[0] == "M" ? "USER" : "username") ); // changed by Trevor
//Adding Computer name to text variables
createTextVariable(doc, "HD Name", (Folder.system).parent.displayName );
//Adding Computer name to text variables
createTextVariable(doc, "Computer Name", getComputerName() );
//Adding a link to my website
createTextVariable(doc, "_About Loic Aigon", "Feel free to visit my website: !" );
//Adding a link to my website
createTextVariable(doc, "_About Trevor", "Feel free to visit my website: !" ); // by Trevor
//Adding First Page Dimensions
createTextVariable(doc, "First Page Dimensions", getPageDimentions(doc.pages[0])); // by Trevor
addVariables(; // callback by Trevor
//Generic function to add static custom text variables
function createTextVariable(target, variableName, variableContents){
var usernameVariable = target.textVariables.itemByName(variableName);
usernameVariable = target.textVariables.add();
usernameVariable.variableType = VariableTypes.CUSTOM_TEXT_TYPE; = variableName;
usernameVariable.variableOptions.contents = variableContents;
//Snippet for grabbing the deep name of the computer
function getComputerName(){ // by Trevor
return $.os[0] == "M" ? app.doScript("get computer name of (system info)", ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE) : $.getenv("computername");
function getPageDimentions(page){ // by Trevor
var width, height, bounds, units, decPlaces;
// function presumes that normal pages
// i.e. same vertical and horizontal and no page shape transformations
decPlaces = 3;
units = toTitleCase(page.parent.parent.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits.toString()); // If you forgot to include the toTitleCase function then remove the method
bounds = page.bounds;
height = bounds[2] - bounds[0];
height = myRound(height, decPlaces);
width = bounds[3] - bounds[1];
width = myRound(width, decPlaces);
return width + " X " + height + " " + units
//Add listeners to update file when opened.
app.addEventListener('afterOpen', addVariables);
// You might like to add some or all of these to make the update better
app.addEventListener('beforeSave', addVariables); // by Trevor
app.addEventListener('beforeSaveAs', addVariables); // by Trevor
app.addEventListener('beforeSaveACopy', addVariables); // by Trevor
app.addEventListener('beforeExport', addVariables); // by Trevor
app.addEventListener('beforePrint', addVariables); // by Trevor
app.addEventListener('beforeDeactivate', addVariables); // by Trevor
app.addEventListener('afterActivate', addVariables); // by Trevor
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This is Fantastic, thank you so much, just a couple more questions,
is there anyway to get the unit to display as "mm, in, px etc...." instead of Millimeters, Inches, Pixels,
also is there anyway that this script could look at the pahe size tool sizes instead of document setup sizes incase of multipage docs?
and also can bleed size be added?
Thanks again!!!
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Hi Scott
mm, in etc. would be very easy as would bleed size.
If you want a page size variable that shows the size of each page that it appears on then you would need a c++ custom plugin that would be quite expensive.
In my opinion what you need is a script that adds a textFrame in the bleed of each page of the document with the info that you want and not use variables.
This is a scripting forum which is for scripters to learn / share about scripting and not a script request forum.
For script requests I personally highly recommend Contact | some might say that as the site owner I'm biased.
Wouldn't cost a fortune.
I've got the flue and going to bed soon so don't expect any speedy response.
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This script stopped working for some reason. It won't update the page size anymore. Is there something i'm missing. I'm on the latest Indesign. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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This script stopped working for some reason. It won't update the page size anymore. Is there something i'm missing. I'm on the latest Indesign. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
By @attilioL
Do you get any errors?
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Scott, is there a reason why this script works fine in Mac OS "High Sierra", but slows down Indesign to a crawl in "Sierra"? When i open the script in the editor i get this error:
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(without permission, sorry Loic)
No problem, it's nice already that you took care of mentioning the source
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Loic.Aigon​ Anytime
attil​ I don't know why the script slows down InDesign on Sierra. Sounds strange
The linting bug is not connected and is not a bug in the script, the problem is that linters don't understand ExtendScripts # commands, you have to either set the linter to ignore them or just ignore the messages.
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Attil, you can try changing parts of the script to see if there's something in particular that's slowing it down.
Change units = toTitleCase(page.parent.parent.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits.toString());
To units = page.parent.parent.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits.toString();
Remove the applescript and just return a fixed string.
Restart the app each time before you try out the change then you should be able to identify a point where things start to run smoothly and can work on changing the problematic element.
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Will do, i'll give it a shot when i get a sec. Thank you for your help. I'll let you know how it goes.
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attil wrote
Scott, is there a reason why this script works fine in Mac OS "High Sierra", but slows down Indesign to a crawl in "Sierra"? When i open the script in the editor i get this error:
Ah. Then this is the original post and that one is a double post initially done in the InDesign forum:
Script works fine in "High Sierra" but not "Sierra"
Should we run both?
Or should the one I linked to be closed?