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Buonasera a tutti, putroppo ho fatto il reboot del mac e alla nuova intallazione di indesign mi è uscito questo avviso che non mi permette di aprire l'applicazione, cliccando su più informazioni mi porta su un sito adobe che consiglia questi passaggi per la possbile risoluzione del problema.
Io però non riesco a seguire questo percorso indicato e di conseguenza non riesco ad utilizzare l'applicazione.
Spero che qualcuno mi possa aiutare.
Grazie in anticipo
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what's your macOS version? update to the latest version of Ventura or Sonoma if you're running one of them
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i actually have installed the latest version but i still doesn't work, i even tried to reinstall the application, but the result is the same. i also managed to follow the process suggested by adobe. still no results
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i just solved the problem intalling an old version
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i actually have installed the latest version but i still doesn't work, i even tried to reinstall the application, but the result is the same.
By @SavaG
I assume you're talking about your InDesign version? You still didn't tell us what your exact macOS version is..
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The latest version of WHAT? InDesign? Ventura? Sonoma?
There were serious problems with the early releases of Ventura that were fixed by Apple with 13.5. Current version is 13.6. If you're on Sonoma be sure you're at 14.3.
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i was trying to install the latest version of indesign on the latest version of macOs. it didn't work so i ended up installing an older version of indesign, (yes i have macos sonoma 14.3.1)
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i ended up installing an older version of indesign, (yes i have macos sonoma 14.3.1)
By @SavaG
can you tell what exact older version of InDesign now works for you? it can help others if this turns out to be a common issue with 19.2.
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the one before, the 19.1
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Hi @SavaG,
Thanks for sharing the info requested by our expert. It looks like your preference folders need to have some permission settings done. Could you please reach out to us directly using our Contact Us page so that our team can remote into your machine and help you install the latest version of InDesign?
Let us know if you face any trouble connecting with the team.
We will try our best to help you.