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If anyone is interested in a Javascipt version of my InDesign to Photoshop Layers AppleScript, I’ve converted it to JS via BridgeTalk and the current version is here:
Click the Download link, save to your InDesign Scripts folder, where you can run it from the Scripts panel. I also included a layered test ID file.
I have tested on OSX High Sierra with CC2020, and it seems to work fine, but would welcome feedback if there are any problems.
The original forum thread from 2015:
1 Correct answer
Hi Uwe, The JS vesion is storing the exported layers in the OS’s temp folder. I can see that it is working on OSX, but don’t have a Windows machine to test on. If you get a chance could you try it on Windows. Thanks.
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Thanks, Rob!
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Thank you very much, Rob!
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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Hi Uwe, The JS vesion is storing the exported layers in the OS’s temp folder. I can see that it is working on OSX, but don’t have a Windows machine to test on. If you get a chance could you try it on Windows. Thanks.
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Hi Rob,
will test and debug your code the next days. A first try, just running your script on your provided INDD document, failed.
This is the core error message where I translated the German parts:
JavaScript Error!
Error number: 2
Error message: rgbProf is undefined
Line: 189
An "Adobe Illustrator" file, I know it's a PDF with ai suffix, was showing up in a temp folder in my user folder under:
Did not look much into the code, so I have no clue what exactly went wrong.Your test document was left in the following state after I answered the error message:
First hint:
var rgbProf = doc.rgbProfile; // returns "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
So that should work. But obviously bt.body in line 189 does not work as expected. Hm. Maybe it's the target declaration two lines before? I cannot see that PhotoShop is starting up. Maybe the string "photoshop" is not enough. Have to run BridgeTalk Diagnostics to get a reliable string first.
Will be back tomorrow.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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Hi Uwe, thanks for testing. I did discover a bug this morning that might be related. I was trying to store the dialog results in an object, which threw an error when I cancelled.
I posted an update in the same folder. The new code moves the rgbProf variable into the function with Bridgetalk, so it might help with the error you were getting.
Also, the .ai extension is intentional. When the PS layers are smart objects, double clicking to edit will open the layer in Illustrator.
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Thats pretty clever storing the PDF as a AI while its actually a PDF with ai editablity
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Latest is ExportLayersToPSv3.jsx
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Hi Rob,
just did a quick test with your version 3 script, ExportLayersToPSv3.jsx, that I executed from the User folder of my Scripts panel in my German InDesign 2020 on Windows 10. Did not change the default values the script's UI offered.
All was working as expected:
PhotoShop started.
Four files were written to the temp folder with suffix ai.
Four named layers plus a background layer were created in a new PhotoShop file.
The suggested name of the not saved PhotoShop file is exactly the one from the InDesign document without suffix.
The names of the four layers are exactly the names of the layers of the InDesign document.
The stacking order of the layers is the same in both documents.
All the named layers in PhotoShop contain one smart object each.
The size of the PhotoShop file corresponds with the one of the InDesign page: 612 x 792 Pt.
Will test with my own stuff later…
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )
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Thanks Uwe, I think it was the way I had set up the dialog results—seems to be better now.
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Thank you so much for the script Rob! I downloaded this version "ExportLayersToPSv4" and it works geat on my PC with InDesign 2022. I tried few other scripts before I found yours, non of them work.
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By rob day
Error 404: Asset not found
This asset isn’t available. Try checking the URL or visit a different page
is there a newer/working version that will work w/ id2022, 17.4.1 on sonoma 14.4.1 mac os intel please ?
i can't believe indesign does not have this export layers built in to scripts or capabilities!
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Might be because the link is to my Adobe CC account and they are discontinuing file sharing. Here it is in Dropbox—I have not tested with the latest updates on Sonoma.
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Might be because the link is to my Adobe CC account and they are discontinuing file sharing. Here it is in Dropbox—I have not tested with the latest updates on Sonoma.
By rob day
Thanks so much. (will post back if it doesn't work for me on my system) appreciated!!
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so far not working but i will restart ID & then imac if errors (many) continue
errors like:
Line 44: executeAction( cTID('Plc '), placeAction, DialogModes.NO );
General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
Error in
Line 1:
The command “Place” is not currently available.
Can’t make -0.125 into type «class ÅPXå». (-1700)
Could not open “” because of a disk error.
& similar
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one of a number of errors. will restart all to see if resolves. advice welcome
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very first error is
Could not open “S” because of a disk error.
followed by a ton of ID errors, some of which prev. noted
my ID & PSP working files are on a separate SSD drive than my internal applications imac SSD if that matters.
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restarted all including imac still not working. most if not all ID errors (after the Photoshop Could not open “file” because of a disk error.) say
The command “Place” is not currently available.
and one or 2 each of:
Cannot open the file because the open options are incorrect. or
Line 4: var doc = app.activeDocument;
No such element
fwiw . thanks
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I have not tested in Sonoma.
Are you running the script from InDesign’s Scripts panel?
I just checked with InDesign 19.1 and Photoshop 25.2 running on Ventura and it worked without any problems.
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I had a chance to check some more this weekend, and the errors you are getting would happen if the PDFs of the layers were not written or found (could be a Somoma permissions problem). I’ve added some error handling and made the timeout longer on the Photoshop file placing. Can’t test in Sonoma, but see if this works.
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Thank you Rob, it works perfect for me. Sonoma 14.7.1 and Indesign 20.0 and Photoshop 26.1
Cheers from Delft, the Netherlands 🙂
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my ID & PSP working files are on a separate SSD drive than my internal applications imac SSD if that matters.
Maybe try testing an InDesign file saved to your Desktop or somewhere on the startup drive. Run from your InDesign Scripts folder with PS running.
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Hi Rob,
I tried to download your file but it says I need permission. I was wonderign if this is what I needed to Sorry, new to these forums.