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I am using the latest 2025 Indesign (together with Photoshop, Illustrator - (All Apps)
Just recently, suddenly, I am not able to move any text box or image with the selection tool. When I drag it a red circle appears
with a line through it. I then have to use the arrow keys to move the type or image.
There is nothing locked in the document.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice and that has not fixed the problem!!
This is driving me out of my mind!!
KInd regards
Linda bartlett
3 Correct answers
What version of InDesign exactly - the latest I know you said - but doesn't tell us your actual version number
What OS? If it's Windows 24H2 - then try roll back that update - it has caused issues with other apps, not just adobe.
Have you tried rolling back the InDesign update?
Here's some fixes that are common
Try resetting your preferences:
Windows: Start InDesign, and then pr
Many people are reporting that the latest Windows 11 patch update KB5050094 is causing this problem. Go to Windows Update > Update History > Uninstall Update and find just the update KB5050094 and uninstall it.
Did you roll back your InDesign version?
Did you rollback your Windows 24H update?
It's Windows 24H that's causing the issue with a lot of applications, not just Adobe.
By Eugene Tyson
Just to clarify, it is NOT the 24H2 version that is causing the problems. It is the UPDATES to that version.
There have been three updates released in 2025. The Dec. update, KB5048667, seems to be the most stable as far as InDesign is concerned.
From another thread:
Windows 11: Major version
24H2: Minor v
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And how do I update to the new KB5051987.
That is the very last update which has been installed - so why has the problem returned?
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I am just very thankful to all you gentleman that helped me - I reckon it was entirely Windows 11 update!!
All good now. Thank you
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You're welcome
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I am back again!!
Started my work this morning and the same problem is back!!
I have gone into Windows Update/Update History/Uninstall Update and 3 numbers appear (KB5049622) (KB5050577) & (KB5051987)
wHEN i GO BACK TO Update History it is still in the list but doesn't allow me to delete it.
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How much RAM and spare hard disk capacity do you have?
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I have 32 gigs of Ram & 357GB FREE of 952 GB
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I just got new monitors. I can use Indesign just fine on my laptop...however when I have Indesign dragged over to my external monitors, my selection tool won't move objects. It creates snippets on my desktop...
I can still use the arrow keys to move it around and it works on my laptop even when I'm plugged into the monitors. My settings are on extend not duplicate. I'm on a PC.
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What happens if you load/start InDesign AFTER plugging in the monitors? Do you have the same problem?
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this is what I'm seeing
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Hi Allyson:
A few thoughts:
- That is the normal cursor when you hover over a selected frame using the Selection too. It has nothing to do with the issue you are facing.
- The issue you are facing is serious, of course. I know you said you have uninstalled/reinstalled InDesign and reset preferences. But did you uninstall with the Adobe CC Cleaner tool ( The normal uninstall leaves behind remnants of InDesign and when you reinstall it, it matches up with those again. The CC cleaner tool fully uninstalls an Adobe application. Similarly., how did you reset preferences? There are multiple levels to resettin preferencesg and if the top levels don't wokr, you will need to continue until you get to the very bottom.
- Finally, if nothing fixes this, I would try installing InDesign 2024 and see if you have the same issue. Come back and let us know please.
~ Barb
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I am getting the exact same issue as this. Did you ever manage to solve it Allyson?
InDesign works normally on my laptop screen - even when plugged into by external screen. But, If put my InDesign window on my external screen, I cannot drag objects around. I get a little red "no entry" symbol next to my cursor when i try to drag an object with my mouse or my trackpad. Resizing works fine though - and i can still move objects around using the keyboard.
If i move the InDesign window back to my laptop screen, it all works fine. And weirdly - this issue has only been happening for about a week. Before that, it was all fine.
I have tried...
- Updating my Graphics drivers.
- Resetting InDesign preferences.
- Uninstalling InDesign (using Cleaner tool) then reinstalling.
- Downgrading to an older version of InDesign.
- Restarting my laptop several times.
- Starting InDesign from the Creative Cloud app.
But the issue remains! Any other help or suggestions would be appreciated.
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Hi! I tried all that too. I ended up posting again on here with more details, see thread:
However, the best suggestion I got was uninstalling the most recent windows update. I unfortunately did not want to do that because it felt like in the long run that was going to do more harm then good. However, I did find a temporary fix. If you change your "main display" in your display settings on your computer to your monitor instead of your laptop you will be able to use InDesign on your monitors fine just not your laptop (when plugged in). InDesign will still work on your laptop if you're not plugged in.
I posted on reddit too and someone suggested this temporary fix: On display settings change it so the size of text, app and other items % the same on both displays.
So you could try that as well, but I personally changed my monitor to be my main display for now.
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Hi Guys - i did the below and over a couple of days it just suddenly came right!
A recent Windows 11 patch update KB5050094 might be causing this problem. Go to Windows Update > Update History > Uninstall Update and find just the update KB5050094 and uninstall it. My Indesign problem - exactly like your problem Luke has sorted itself out! I
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¡Hola! Tengo un error en el InDesing que no lo puedo solucionar. Trabajo con 2 pantallas con la opcion de Windows de "ampliar pantallas". En una de las dos pantallas (en la del monitor), cuando abro el InDesing y quiero mover los cuadros, imágenes o textos, el cursor queda por un lago y el objeto seleccionado por el otro. En cambio cuando utilizo la pantalla de la notebook, este error no aparece.
Solo me pasa con el InDesing, porque cuando uso Photoshop o Illustrator no tengo ningun problema con el uso de la doble pantalla.
Ya probé todas las opciones pero el error persiste y necesito tener las dos pantallas y diseñar con el programa abierto en el monitor grande y no en la notebook. ¿Hay alguna otra opción? Muchas gracias!
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¡Hola! Tengo un error en el InDesing que no lo puedo solucionar. Trabajo con 2 pantallas con la opcion de Windows de "ampliar pantallas". En una de las dos pantallas (en la del monitor), cuando abro el InDesing y quiero mover los cuadros, imágenes o textos, el cursor queda por un lago y el objeto seleccionado por el otro. En cambio cuando utilizo la pantalla de la notebook, este error no aparece.
Solo me pasa con el InDesing, porque cuando uso Photoshop o Illustrator no tengo ningun problema con el uso de la doble pantalla.
Ya probé todas las opciones pero el error persiste y necesito tener las dos pantallas y diseñar con el programa abierto en el monitor grande y no en la notebook. ¿Hay alguna otra opción? Muchas gracias!
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Thanks for reaching out! This issue has been reported by other users when working with dual screens, and it appears to be specific to InDesign.
Can you please go through the troubleshooting steps mentioned in these threads and see if they help resolve the issue?
Let me know if the problem persists after trying the suggested solutions!
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MuchÃsimas gracias por tu respuesta. Pude "solucionarlo" de alguna forma colocando el monitor como pantalla principal. Fue lo único que me permitió poder seguir trabajando con el monitor. Igualmente me parece que se deberÃa corregir este error en una próxima actualización ¿no? Gracias
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Hola! yo encontre exactamente el mismo problema, y me di cuenta que cambiando la pantalla principal se 'soluciona', pero casi que cada vez que abro el programa tengo que hacer la configuracion de nuevo.
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This might be the problem:
A recent Windows 11 patch update KB5050094 might be causing this problem. Go to Windows Update > Update History > Uninstall Update and find just the update KB5050094 and uninstall it.
En Espanol:
Este podrÃa ser el problema:
Una actualización reciente del parche KB5050094 de Windows 11 podrÃa estar causando este problema. Vaya a Windows Update > Historial de actualizaciones > Desinstalar actualización, busque solo la actualización KB5050094 y desinstálela.
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Hi, I just did that but it is still not working I don't know if you about something else.
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Hi Neo,
I recommend that you start a new discussion and describe with detail your system, version numbers, and what you are seeing and experiencing.
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I was searching like crazy for a solution to this very problem. I originally had my PC tablet connected to a monitor set to "extend." After finding this forum and telling my boyfriend about the problem, he suggested changing it to "duplicate." Once I did that, the problem was solved. Hope this helps. There's not much information out there on this, and apparently, it's a common thing.
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So glad you solved it that way! I have mu laptop and large monitor set up and everything is working find on 'extend''/ So its wierd ....

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