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I'd like to have imposition software for printing at home but cannot justify the expense. I have found a $40 plugin for indesign that I like the look of..
The only issue is it is time consuming to create an indesign document that is the same size as the "placed" PDF then import the pdf, the run the imposition plugin.
The kind of documents I am creating are DL flyers, vouchers, gift certificates etc. In fact its rare that I create a document that doesn't require imposition.
So my question is:
Is there a way to import a pdf into a default ID document then have it resize the document to the borders of the pdf?
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Lucas Martin wrote:
Is there a way to import a pdf into a default ID document then have it resize the document to the borders of the pdf?
No, at least not automatically.
But I think you are approaching this incorrectly. You don't necessarily need a plugin for ID. First, there is Print Booklet, already built in, that is the basic imposition mudule supplied withthe program. If you use a Mac with Snow Leopard or later you have to print to Postscript file and distill, though, as Apple killed the PDF virtual printer. (see InDesignSecrets » Blog Archive » Acrobat’s Adobe PDF Printer Replaced in Snow Leopard and read the commnets).
Tere are also some basic imposition scripts for ID that are free or donationware. My favorites are by Dave Saunders and work well for two-up saddle-stitch with no creep: and Dave's CS3 Booklet Script. The first makes a new file and shuffles the pages, but does not work with cross-spine objects. The second creates a new docment with spread-size pages and places the orignal pages into that, so it does handle cross-spine, but it is slower.
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You can Place and InDesign file inside another.
All I do is create a new document with the page size that I will be imposing on.
I draw a grid with the rules, and then place the document. And step and repeat it where necessary.
You'd have a few templates for the different things you do in no time.
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'Morning, Eugene. Nice to see you back.
I think you and I have different interpretations of "imposition" here. I'd call what you are doing an N-up layout (and I do the same as you -- step and repeat most of the time, when that's the goal) which I suppose is a type of imposition, but I don't see a connection to resizing a document to fit the placed PDF.
I think we need some clarification from Lucas.
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Morning? It's 14:24
Timezones huh!
Good afternoon, Peter. Thanks for the welcome back. Nice to see you're still around.
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All of your posts have been super helpful. Thank you.
I have quite a few new concepts and process I now need to research.
I think I just need to bite the bullet and enrol in a graphic design degree...
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In regards to the clarification...
My need to resize an indesign document to fit a placed pdf is made redundant by the concepts mention in your posts. I am now fiddling with Print Booket and reading up on N-up, step and repeat etc.
It would be really nice to have this all completely automated though.. crop marks and all.....
I downloaded Imposition Wizard demo and it was absolutely fantastic. I just cant justify the expense...
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I actually don't know what you are actually working on - it's kinda hard to make a recommendation on imposition techniques without knowing the job at hand.
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Really simple stuff: free juice vouchers, gift certificates, business cards, flyers etc All basic marketing stuff for my retail business.
I cant afford to sit in front of the computer for extended periods of time laying out documents when I should be running the shop. I basically want to design the item I need then have the software to give me the option of how many I want on the page (with a preview so I can see how various sizes look) then have all the crop marks etc overlayed automatically.
For example I recently decided to distribute "Free Juice or Smoothie" vouchers to surrounding businesses. I had whipped up a quick voucher in Pages 09 that allowed 6 copies per A4 Sheet. I then had about a week of frustration as I was having printing errors with the document. It turned out to be a problem with the printer itself, but before I discovered that I came across Imposition Wizard. I don't why imposition software is considered only for proffessional use, it is probably more useful to the novice who cannot afford the time to learn manual proccess....
So now I have a new printer(a nice little fuji xerox) and I want to be able to quickly throw togeather what I need then open it in Imposition software so it can do all the time consuming stuff. Then I can print it out, hand it and a guillotine to a staff member then get on with the rest of my day.....
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I see - there are a few free versions. Honestly though I think something like Quite Imposing (A plugin for Acrobat) would be better. It is $500 or thereabouts, but that's a one time expense and will severely clear up your time to run the shop.
I have never used these before but I guess you could try it?
Here's an online one
This one seems cheap
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I'd first need to buy acrobat...
I found this for indesign for only $89. Has anyone tried it?
I'll have a fidle with the online one..
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Never heard of it before, but it looks interesting. It's not a plugin, however, but is clearly a script (which does not detract from the functionality). Why not try the 14 day demo and see if it works for you. I think we'd all like to know what you think.
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IDImposer, at $49.95, should do exactly what you want. . (15-day evaluation period)
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Croptima at was the best little imposer for Indesign for the money; however it seems they have decided to discontinue development and give their product away for free. I've been using it for years and it still works with the current versions of InDesign. I realize this is an old thread, but perhaps those stumbling back on it can use the freebie software that has become a favorite of mine. It does N-ups, front & backs, bleeds, cut stacks, books (both perfect bound and saddle) and even comes with a PDF placer that auto-adjusts and places your PDF files into Indesign for you. Great for placing those 100 page documents that you don't want to deal with page by page!
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i'm using it for years too, in CS versions but i now need the CC version of croptima, is it save too download from
(because it's suddenly free)
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