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InDesign won't recognize PNG files, can't "Place"

Community Beginner ,
Feb 19, 2019 Feb 19, 2019

Copy link to clipboard


I created a document about a month ago, a catalog, and placed PNG image files into image boxes for the layout. I opened the file back up today to do some edits and all the sudden InDesign tells me I have broken links. I investigate further to find that the images are located where they are supposed. I tried to "re-place" the png files into the boxes but InDesign doesn't recognize it and won't allow me to place it.

For reference, I also tried to open in PS but it doesn't recognize it either, so I'm sure it's a file issue.

Has anyone run across this and can you advise?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022

I had some support from a chap at adobe.


I'll try and remember what we did.


Go into

> system preferences

> security and privacy

> Full disc access

> unlock the padlock (click and password)

> In the right-hand window scroll down to InDesign and click it.

> I also did photoshop and illustrator

> Clcik out of preferences 

> Document should now accept png files.


This worked for me, please feedback if successful as this is problem for other users!






New Here ,
Apr 11, 2023 Apr 11, 2023

Copy link to clipboard



I had this issue with InDesign Ver 182.1 x64 with winows 10.  My only option was to resave the offending .png file in fireworks using "Save As = Flattened PNG" format.  This allowed Indesign to open without issue after I relinked the file.


To determine the offending files was difficult as the InD gives no idication which files were the problem.  To solve this I moved my linked files to a new folder and executed a manual re-link on each file.  The >PNG that were OK relinked fine.  Those that were "Cannot place this file, Invalind PNG..." were now easy to identify and I resaved as PNG Flattened


I hoep this helps Win users






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