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Hoping that someone can help me. I have several documents that all have numbered paaragraphs. I'm creatign an index so would like the index reference to not only show the page but also the paragraph. I see there is an option for custom cross refeernce - but I don't know how to add the paragraph number. And in this index I only want to reference the first occurrence of the item. Any scripts would be most useful and appreciated.- so for example the bolded word Cape North needs to be indexed - it is on page2-11 and paragraph number 11, South Point - page 2-11, para #8. and so on. In fact , all the bolded words need to be indexed. It seems like a script should be possible for this.
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A cross reference in the index is used to refer someone to synonyms in an index.
For example, line screen and screen ruling mean the same thing and if the author uses the words line screen but knows the reader might look up screen ruling, we use an index cross-reference to send the reader from screen ruling over to line screen to get the page number. In short, that won't work for you. I'm not aware of any way to add a paragraph number to an index.
Plug-ins and scripting can extend the feature set of InDesign, so there may be a solution, but I'm fairly confident it is not within the InDesign feature set.
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InDesign's index supports just one type of locator: the page number. It's possible to script different types of locator, such as paragraph number, but that's a drastic script. It basically takes over the generation of the index. Not exactly trivial.
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Hi Peter,
Sure it's not exactly trivial!
Such infos could be finally a little hard to read at the end [ Script for clients ] but they surely give at the end a good [better] view of the localization of the Index entries to readers.
Before Script
After Script
Zoom On Index
"aspidis" is found 4 times:
• page "2", twice in the main flow first column "a" and inside 2 auto-num paras ("#1" and "#4"), and the main flow third colum "c" (not inside an auto-num para)
• page "3", in the main flow first column "a" and inside an auto-num para (#8)
"nobiscut" is found 3 times, in the page "3":
• in the main flow second column "b" and inside an auto-num para ("#7"), and the main flow third colum "c" (not inside an auto-num para)
• in the second footnote ("f2")
(^/) The Jedi
[paid Script]
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aha! 3 questions
1. can script work from supplied list of terms?
2. are the references linked? [they need to be]
3. how much??
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1/ Peter wrote such a Script and it's free:
2/ If the layout moves, update the Index (InDesign feature) and run myScript again.
3/ Send me a private message.
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Nice work, Michel!