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Could someone please advise why I can't get this script to work?
// Set Global Variables.
var myarr = [];
var PATH = "/Users/UserName/Desktop/InDesign/";
// Write Data to CSV File.
function writeToFile(myarr){
var s = "LinkName, StyleNumber, Page, X, Y, ImgWidth, ImgHeight, X-Scale, Y-Scale, Path";
var outFolder = Folder(PATH);
var tempstring = "";
// Concatenate All Array Data.
for(j = 0; j < myarr.length; j++) {
var x = String(myarr[j])+"\n";
tempstring = tempstring.concat(x);
* TODO Automate the generation of the name so it matches text file name.
* Possibly get month and bookname from file path.
var bookName = prompt("Please enter book name (without extension)", "Bookname_Month");
// Write Data
var myCSVFile = new File(outFolder+"/"+bookName+".csv");"w");
myCSVFile.write(s + "\n"+tempstring);
// Added Function Structure.
function Main(){
// Open Folder and Gather InDesign Files.
var myIndsnFiles = Folder(PATH).getFiles("*.indd");
// Open All InDesign Files.
for(k=0; k < myIndsnFiles.length; k++) {
// Add Check For Hidden Files.
if (String(myIndsnFiles[k]).split('/').reverse()[0].charAt(0) == "."){
} else {
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;[k]);
if(app.documents.length != 0) {
if(app.activeDocument.links.length!=0) {
// Sets Columns without X-Res and Y-Res.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var doc_name =;
var shortdocname = doc_name.split(".indd")[0];
var lks = doc.links;
var link_name;
var style_number; // ADDED
var pg_nb;
var img_x;
var img_y;
var img_width;
var img_height;
var x_scale;
var y_scale;
var lk;
var feedAline;
var lkPath;
// Loop Through Document Links.
for(i=0; i < lks.length; i++) {
lk = lks[i];
link_name =",","_");
x_scale = lk.parent.horizontalScale;
y_scale = lk.parent.verticalScale;
lkPath = lk.filePath.split(link_name)[0];
try {
// Set Page Number.
if( == "Page") {
pg_nb =;
} else {
pg_nb = "N/A";
} catch(e) {
pg_nb = "N/A";
// Getting Image Coordinates.
var gb = lk.parent.parent.geometricBounds;
img_x = gb[1];
img_y = gb[0];
img_width = Math.round((gb[3]-gb[1])*100) / 100;
img_height = Math.round((gb[2]-gb[0])*100) / 100;
if(i < lks.length-1) {
feedAline = "\n";
} else {
feedAline ="";
// Finding character style information on the page
app.findTextPreference = null;
app.findTextPreference.appliedCharacterStyle = "[Style Number DASH]"; //ADD CHARACTER STLYE
// If there is no style number on the page with the image, fill cell with "N/A"
try {
if (app.findTextPreference.appliedCharacterStyle == "[Style Number DASH]"){ // ADD CHARACTER STYLE
style_number ==""; // ADD VARIABLE FOR STYLE NUMBER
style_number == "N/A";
style_number = "N/A";
// End of style number additions
// Add Data To Array.
myarr.push(link_name + "," + style_number + "," + pg_nb + "," + img_x + "," + img_y + "," + img_width + "," + img_height+ "," + x_scale + "," + y_scale + "," + lkPath);
} else {
//alert("No pictures to work on!")
} else {
alert("No document open!");
// Reset Interaction Levels.
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.INTERACT_WITH_ALL;
Main() // Run The Script.
writeToFile(myarr) // Write to File.
//app.quit(SaveOptions.NO);//Quit InDesign.
Copy link to clipboard
this line of code is not functional:
var PATH = "/Users/UserName/Desktop/InDesign/";
If you want to target a folder on the current user's desktop with name "InDesign" write it like that:
var PATH = "~/desktop/InDesign";
Also test if the target folder exists at all, before you do something with it:
var PATH = "~/desktop/InDesign";
var outputFolder = Folder( PATH );
// Test before you are using the folder.
//Folder exists:
if( outputFolder.exists )
// do something.
// Folder does NOT exist:
if( !outputFolder.exists )
// do something else
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )
Copy link to clipboard
i have everyting working but the following:
// Finding character style information on the page
app.findTextPreference = null;
app.findTextPreference.appliedCharacterStyle = "[Style Number DASH]"; //ADD CHARACTER STLYE
// If there is no style number on the page with the image, fill cell with "N/A"
try {
if (app.findTextPreference.appliedCharacterStyle == "[Style Number DASH]"){ // ADD CHARACTER STYLE
style_number ==""; // ADD VARIABLE FOR STYLE NUMBER
style_number == "N/A";
style_number = "N/A";
// End of style number additions
// Add Data To Array.
myarr.push(link_name + "," + style_number + "," + pg_nb + "," + img_x + "," + img_y + "," + img_width + "," + img_height+ "," + x_scale + "," + y_scale + "," + lkPath);
} else {
//alert("No pictures to work on!")
} else {
alert("No document open!");
// Reset Interaction Levels.
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.INTERACT_WITH_ALL;
Main() // Run The Script.
writeToFile(myarr) // Write to File.
//app.quit(SaveOptions.NO);//Quit InDesign.
Maybe you can help, need to be able to export the Character style an excel document.
Copy link to clipboard
Well, on with the next issue.
This line cannot work:
app.findTextPreference = null;
It must be:
app.findTextPreferences = null;
The same here:
app.findTextPreference.appliedCharacterStyle = "[Style Number DASH]";
Plus this: InDesign does not allow custom style names enclosed in brackets!
So you could try:
app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = "Style Number DASH";
Check that line separately in the GUI where you can see if it is working for you.
Also note that to make this work you need a character style with exactly that name in your active document.
FWIW: If you are on Windows install the ExtendScript Toolkit to debug your code.
How to configure it after you installed it on Windows:
This leads you to the DOM documentation:
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )