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Javascript InDesign Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

Explorer ,
Sep 19, 2023 Sep 19, 2023

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I have created the InDesign Javascript below that puts a menu called Studio in the main InDesign menu bar and has several paths to scripts that can be run from the menu. I would also like to be able add keyboard shortcuts to the menu items but the menu does not appear in the Keyboard Shortcuts Product Area?

Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 3.19.55 PM.png

I can see the menu Items at the bottom of the Keyboard Shortcuts: Product Area: Scripts and add a keyboard short cut but the shortcut is lost each time InDesign restarts.




#targetengine "Studio Menu"

var FTCScriptsMenu = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.item("Studio");

if (!StudioScriptsMenu.isValid) {
    StudioScriptsMenu = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.add("Studio");

// Function to run a script file with error handling
function runScript(scriptFilePath, scriptLanguage) {
    try {
        app.doScript(scriptFilePath, scriptLanguage);
    } catch (e) {
        alert("This script is not available.\nEither this script was not installed or it has been moved, renamed, or deleted from the InDesign 'Scripts Panel' folder."); // Display the error message in a dialog

// Cool Script One
var scriptAction4 = app.scriptMenuActions.add("Cool Script One");
var eventListener4 = scriptAction4.eventListeners.add("onInvoke", function() {
    var scriptFilePath4 = "/Applications/Adobe InDesign 2022/Scripts/Scripts Panel/FTC Scripts/Cool Script One.jsxbin"; // Replace with the actual path to script file
    runScript(scriptFilePath4, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT);
var menuItem4 = StudioScriptsMenu.menuItems.add(scriptAction4);

// Add a menu separator
var separator = StudioScriptsMenu.menuSeparators.add();

// Cool Script Two
var scriptAction11 = app.scriptMenuActions.add("Cool Script Two");
var eventListener11 = scriptAction11.eventListeners.add("onInvoke", function() {
    var scriptFilePath11 = "/Applications/Adobe InDesign 2022/Scripts/Scripts Panel/FTC Scripts/Cool Script Two.jsxbin"; // Replace with the actual path to script file
    runScript(scriptFilePath11, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT);
var menuItem11 = StudioScriptsMenu.menuItems.add(scriptAction11);




I have other third party scripts that have custom menus but they also appear under the Keyboard Shortcuts: Product Area but i am not sure how this is achieved in the Javascript?


Any help appreciated.







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Community Expert ,
Sep 19, 2023 Sep 19, 2023

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I just tested it and witnessed the following bizarre behavior:


I can assign keyboard shortcuts to custom menus created by scripts. The shortcuts are preserved after I quit InDesign. If I open the Keyboard Shortcuts window again and exit it by clicking OK, the shortcuts are also preserved.


However, if I open Keyboard Shortcuts again and exit by clicking Cancel, then the shortcuts assigned to custom menus are lost (even if I didn't quit InDesign before).


Definitely a bug (InDesign 18.5, macOS 13.5.2 and 14.0).


I'm not sure if the issues you experience are related to this particular bug, but there are definitely issues with custom menu shortcuts.







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