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Looking for someone to script a year long Day Planner in Indesign CC. I've tried one or two scripts available out there but none seem to be able to accomplish what I need.
I would envisage the rolling requirements.
All/any help appreciated. Here's a screen shot of the desired result.
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So the script suppose to build a doc or to manage some tasks as well (search, show, add, rebuild, filter)?
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Hi Jarek,
Thanks for the response!
The script needs to create the pages in an Indesign Doc.
One the pages are created we would be adding in custom pages at beginning and at other periodic stages in the document.
Let me know if there's anything else you need
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Could I get that script as well? I have a project that requires me to build a day planner. I have a script that will build a calculator but not something that would allow enough space for notes and such. Any help would be appreciated.
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I know this was back in 2014, but, did someone ever get this script done?
I would like to take a look.
Anybody out there?
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Anyone find an answer to this? Or do I have a lot of grunt work to do?
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Hi swshmn, Blue_River_Crossing, kaylo_2020​ and gr1f
Contrary to popular belief this forum is not a freebie spot for "ordering" or "requesting" scripts, it's a place for scripters professional or otherwise to learn to improve their scripting techniques, same idea as the other forums.
Somehow one doesn't see that many request on the regular InDesign forum, "Please write and typeset me a book" or on the Illustrator forum "Can you draw a cat for me?".
The actual script here's pretty elementary stuff, but could take a good couple of hours to write, so if anyone interested in this they can pay somebody to grunt and do it, otherwise they can be paid and grunt themselves.
Maybe I'll write a script to do this and sell it on my site, if somebody wants it done quick then they can contact me. Contact | ​
Hope no offense caused, regards,
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Okay, how much would you charge to create a custom script? Let me know
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£100 GBP
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That is quite inexpensive, I would go for it!
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Yep, the only reason why I would do it for such a price is that I figure I could resell it afterwards.
The price is not a long term offer, so I someone comes back to this post in 2034 they shouldn't expect me to do it for that price. In fact if someone comes back after I get busy with my next project then they shouldn't necessary expect to pay that price.
P.s. I plan to start my next project today
P.p.s. I might just do it anyway and offer it for sale "off the counter| for a cheaper price but that could well take a bit of time
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Not sure it's the good way to calculate!
How many time for the client to "manually" do it / for the scripter to finalize such a script / issues / cups of coffee / white nights / canceled holidays / "divorce" /…?
As a [JS] newbie, it'll really cost much more money because I'll really need much more time!!