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Liebe Community,
ich habe hier ein Dokument mit einem CTA unten. Dort sollen 3 Buttons stehen, wenn man auf diese draufklickt, öffnet sich jeweils ein Pop-up-Fenster mit der Information zu Tel, Mail, Web.
Das mit dem Tel. habe ich nun schon ganz gut hinbekommen 😉 in der Vorschau funktioniert es und auch im als interaktiv exportierten PDF - aber immer nur einmal! Also ich kann nur 1x das Fenster öffnen und dann 1x wieder auf X schließen. Ich finde auch nach ewiger Suche hier keine Einstellmöglichkeiten und auch beim Googeln im Netz nix. Vielleicht verwende ich die falschen Stichwörter?
Vielleicht kann mir hier jemand einen Tipp geben? Das wäre himmlisch. 🙏
Es gibt außerdem noch das Problem, dass im exportierten PDF das X-Feld unter dem Infofenster liegt, obwohl es in der Ebenenanordnung darüber liegt und auch in der Interaktivitäts-Vorschau als darüber richtig dargestellt wird. Aber das wäre wahrscheinlich ein neuer Thread ...
Ganz herzlichen Dank für Hilfestellung 😉
The PDF features you want are not available because Apple dropped Flash which used this in Interactive PDFs. This dropping of Flash occured about 14 years ago, so hasn't suddenly happened!
As mentioned the Publish Online documents can be password protected via the latest version of InDesign.
As I said, I don't understand why such a simple feature doesn't work when the button function has been around for a very long time ... And there are also other PDFs in the world with form fields, etc. ... ;( . Thanks 🙂
By @frauenauge
PDF isn't built to contain robust interactive options. Plus even if you manage to make it work in Acrobat, there's no guarantee your interactive elements will work as expected in countless 3rd-party PDF readers. Simple forms do usually work reliably.
EDIT: @Derek Cross
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PDF is not good for this kind of thing, have a look instead at InDesign's Publish Online feature.
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@Derek Cross Hi Derek, thanks for answering me ;)) I'm not shure, if I understand what you mean ... sorry 😉
My assignment is, to make this PDF (Whitepaper) for a customer, she will use it as a download on her website. The website will be made with wordpress. And she also wants to send those Whitepapers per email to her customers on demand ... mmhhh
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What Derek meant is that all kinds of interactive features won't work reliably in PDF. If you must have all the interactive features, you'll need to choose another format (such as InDesign's Publish Online or just a plain webpage).
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Hi, thanks for the explanation - I haven't used InDesign's Publish Online yet, or didn't really know it 😉
Ok, but that would mean that my customer would have to subscribe to Indesign as well, wouldn't it? She rather would like to have an independent PDF that can be downloaded from her website and also sent by email ...
I'm surprised that this doesn't work ... this button function has been available in ID for ages, hasn't it?
But thanks anyway. Have a great day.
Maybe someone else has another idea ... ? (I use the latest version of ID and exported the document as interaktive PDF)
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With Publish Online, which unlike PDF, is HTML5 and anyone who has the URL can open it on any device with the a reader – computer (Mac or PC), smart phone or tablet. It can also be enabled so the reader can download a (static) PDF of the document. You can email the URL or place it on your customer's website (the document has to be hosted on Adobe servers). And it can be password protected (a new feature).
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Ok, that sounds like an ideal solution, but I'm afraid that's redundant 😉
I'm already making the website for the client anyway ... so I can make the texts available there in a protected area. And my customer wants to have this independent from Adobe.
I thought I might have done something wrong because it doesn't work for me. As I said, I don't understand why such a simple feature doesn't work when the button function has been around for a very long time ... And there are also other PDFs in the world with form fields, etc. ... ;( . Thanks 🙂
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The PDF features you want are not available because Apple dropped Flash which used this in Interactive PDFs. This dropping of Flash occured about 14 years ago, so hasn't suddenly happened!
As mentioned the Publish Online documents can be password protected via the latest version of InDesign.
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As I said, I don't understand why such a simple feature doesn't work when the button function has been around for a very long time ... And there are also other PDFs in the world with form fields, etc. ... ;( . Thanks 🙂
By @frauenauge
PDF isn't built to contain robust interactive options. Plus even if you manage to make it work in Acrobat, there's no guarantee your interactive elements will work as expected in countless 3rd-party PDF readers. Simple forms do usually work reliably.
EDIT: @Derek Cross posted more elaborate historical info while I was writing.
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Thanks for the detailed explanations, I really appreciate it 😉 I should have asked here first, before trying in vain for 3 days, haha :)))) Then I will explain this to the customer and advise against it. I also think it's better without these gimmicks, which is ok for the website, but actually superfluous here. Have a nice evening from Germany!