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Hi All
I want a script to remove all digits from the document except for the text box according to its size
( width and height ) . asked chat gpt 4 , replied with this code but It doesn't work
What is the problem please ?
// Create a dialog with input fields for width and height
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "Excluded Text Box Size");
dialog.orientation = "column";
dialog.alignChildren = "left";
var widthGroup = dialog.add("group");
widthGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Width (mm):");
var widthInput = widthGroup.add("edittext", undefined, "50");
widthInput.characters = 10;
var heightGroup = dialog.add("group");
heightGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Height (mm):");
var heightInput = heightGroup.add("edittext", undefined, "25");
heightInput.characters = 10;
var buttonGroup = dialog.add("group");
var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
okButton.onClick = function() {
var specifiedWidthInMm = parseFloat(widthInput.text); // Convert input to number
var specifiedHeightInMm = parseFloat(heightInput.text); // Convert input to number
removeDigitsExceptSpecifiedSize(specifiedWidthInMm, specifiedHeightInMm);
var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
cancelButton.onClick = function() {
// Remove Digits Function
function removeDigitsExceptSpecifiedSize(specifiedWidthInMm, specifiedHeightInMm) {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var textFrames = doc.textFrames;
for (var i = 0; i < textFrames.length; i++) {
var textFrame = textFrames[i];
var frameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;
var frameWidth = frameBounds[3] - frameBounds[1];
var frameHeight = frameBounds[2] - frameBounds[0];
var specifiedWidthInPoints = specifiedWidthInMm * 2.83464567; // Convert mm to points
var specifiedHeightInPoints = specifiedHeightInMm * 2.83464567; // Convert mm to points
if (frameWidth !== specifiedWidthInPoints || frameHeight !== specifiedHeightInPoints) {
var textContent = textFrame.parentStory.contents;
var textWithoutDigits = textContent.replace(/\d/g, '');
textFrame.parentStory.contents = textWithoutDigits;
It's a pretty horrible script by any standard, but it works:
#targetengine xyz;
app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnits.MILLIMETERS;
var dialog = new Window("palette", "Excluded Text Box Size");
dialog.orientation = "column";
dialog.alignChildren = "left";
var widthGroup = dialog.add("group");
widthGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Width (mm):");
var widthInput = widthGroup.add("edittext", undefined, "50");
widthInput.characters = 10;
var heightGroup
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Probably because of those three lines:
var specifiedWidthInPoints = specifiedWidthInMm * 2.83464567; // Convert mm to points
var specifiedHeightInPoints = specifiedHeightInMm * 2.83464567; // Convert mm to points
rounding error?
if (frameWidth !== specifiedWidthInPoints || frameHeight !== specifiedHeightInPoints) {
strict inequality?
But I'm not JS guy so you'll have to wait for someone else to fix it.
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And So Iam a not a Js
Thanks for your reply
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> remove all digits from the document except for the text box according to its size
What does this mean? What is a 'text box according to its size'?
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I want to remove all digits from all text boxes in document Except the digits in text boxes that have certian Width and Height
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You'll have to round those numbers a bit because of rounding errors in InDesign and because your multiplier isn#t precise enough (probably).
Do this experiment: place a text frame 50mm wide. Set your InDesign to points. A script reports the frame's width as follows:
box = app.selection[0];
alert (box.geometricBounds[3] - box.geometricBounds[1]); // >= 141.732283464567
But when you do 50*2.83464567 the result is 141.7322835, which is not the same, so you never match the boxes you want to exclude.
Try setting the document's units to millimeters, then you needn't convert any values.
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I already set my document units to millimeters
But No change in the script
Can you fix this and post whole correct script please ?
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I already set my document units to millimeters
But No change in the script
Can you fix this and post whole correct script please ?
By @r28071715i111
Then you can delete this part "* 2.83464567" - in both places - and it should work.
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No change occur
Nothing happened
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Any Help Here
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It's a pretty horrible script by any standard, but it works:
#targetengine xyz;
app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnits.MILLIMETERS;
var dialog = new Window("palette", "Excluded Text Box Size");
dialog.orientation = "column";
dialog.alignChildren = "left";
var widthGroup = dialog.add("group");
widthGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Width (mm):");
var widthInput = widthGroup.add("edittext", undefined, "50");
widthInput.characters = 10;
var heightGroup = dialog.add("group");
heightGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Height (mm):");
var heightInput = heightGroup.add("edittext", undefined, "25");
heightInput.characters = 10;
var buttonGroup = dialog.add("group");
var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
okButton.onClick = function() {
var specifiedWidthInMm = Number(widthInput.text).toPrecision(3); // Convert input to number
var specifiedHeightInMm = Number(heightInput.text).toPrecision(3); // Convert input to number
removeDigitsExceptSpecifiedSize(specifiedWidthInMm, specifiedHeightInMm);
var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
cancelButton.onClick = function() {
// Remove Digits Function
function removeDigitsExceptSpecifiedSize(specifiedWidthInMm, specifiedHeightInMm) {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var textFrames = doc.textFrames;
for (var i = 0; i < textFrames.length; i++) {
var textFrame = textFrames[i];
var frameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;
var frameWidth = (frameBounds[3] - frameBounds[1]).toPrecision(3);
var frameHeight = (frameBounds[2] - frameBounds[0]).toPrecision(3);
//var specifiedWidthInPoints = specifiedWidthInMm * 2.83464567; // Convert mm to points
//var specifiedHeightInPoints = specifiedHeightInMm * 2.83464567; // Convert mm to points
if (frameWidth !== specifiedWidthInMm && frameHeight !== specifiedHeightInMm) {
var textContent = textFrame.parentStory.contents;
var textWithoutDigits = textContent.replace(/\d/g, '');
textFrame.parentStory.contents = textWithoutDigits;
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Great Thanks For you Peter
Script works like charm
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@r28071715i111, but you need to remember about one thing - this script will mess up your formatting - if you have any there - Char/Para Styles, local formatting - so you need to be careful before you use it on a larger scale.
Unless, of course, you have a very simple contents there.
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Thanks for your reply
My file is simple , doesn't contain any paragraph syle or char styles
Thanks for your advise dear