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I'm trying to add two different footnotes style on a page but it seems that InDesign won't allow that!
So I have the usual numbering footnotes (1,2,3,4...) and then I have another style which is an asterisk "*"
I tried to change the footnote style but that did not work as you can only use one style in a document!
Is there any way to bypass this?
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It's not really possible to have 2 sets of numbering in footnotes in InDesign.
If you need a single footnote at the beginning of a chapter that has an asterisk, you can fake that.
But if you need intermingled footnotes on multiple pages, there's nothing to support that.
A screenshot of the layout would help though. Are the two footnote sets intermingled, or is one below the other?
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Thanks for the reply! please find below the screenshots!
In the first picture is the MS Word document that I am working on (in Arabic) as you can see there are the numbers footnotes and the asterisk footnote which is the author's notes, I did manage as you said to enter this manually as you suggested, by creating a blank line in the footnotes and adding the desired text, it seems to work! I think this is the only way to bypass this!
I hope this will help others too
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Could you explain how one would fake what you described?
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Here's one approach, assuming that you want the first note not numbered or 'numbered' with an asterisk:
Copy the text of the first note to the second note and delete the first note. Type an asterisk where the note reference was:
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Thank you!
Does this only work if both notes are on the same page? Because if I only have the 'special' note (say on a titlepage), the whole footnote-area at the bottom of the page gets deleted along with the last 'genuine' footnote on that page, taking my special note with it.
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Yes, same page only. But if the special note is on p. 1 and footnote 1 is on a later page, the you can simply place the note in a separate text frame at the foot of the page.
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Could you explain how one would fake what you described?
By @Trio0473
Do you have just a few "custom" Footnotes that you can handle manually or a lot?
You could use a trick - hide automatic Footnote Markers - but still use built-in mechanism to handle Footnotes' text contents - and add your own "markers".
But then you'll have to re-number everything manually...
Here is an example of two kinds of Footnotes - Author's and Court's:
(text is garbled)
Blue - InDesign's Footnote markers - shown here but should be set to 0.1pt, color=none, Horizontal Scale=1%, etc. - hidden,
Yellow - markers for "automatic" Footnotes - Author's - that normally would be numbered by InDesign automatically - but, in this case, re-numbered by script,
Green - markers for "custom" Footnotes - Court's - ignored by script when re-numbering.
The whole text has been imported from WORD - so the conversion has been done 100% automatically.
Of course, if you prefer / need to add Footnotes in the InDesign - not a problem. It can be handled as well.
Re-numbering can be done at any time:
Because Ftn Marker in the texts can't exists without the corresponding marker in the Footnotes - and vice versa - I'm just searching, in this case, for "Ftn Auto" CharStyle - then re-number found results twice - once for markers found in the Story and 2nd time for markers found in the Footnotes. In case of more than one column for Footnotes - extra column in the 2nd sorting step would be needed - "Pos X".
And, of course, you can have as many "custom" Footnotes as you want - as long as they have different Char/ParaStyles and can be mixed together.
Separation will be handled in the future.