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Hii guys!
I have a digital planner which is basically a hyperlinked pdf.
It's for screen obvs so ideally needs to be RGB.
I've been exporting using a variety of combinations on the very limited export options on the interactive pdf settings
lossy/lossless at medium quality 150ppi - all of them give me these weird litte white lines on my artwork - like boxes around elements that disappear and reappear when you zoom in
At the moment the document is built entirely of eps files placed into indesign - I've found that placed .jpg/.png/.pfd images create enormous files and really poor quality pixellated text which I'd like to avoid. The EPS files are each under 5mb.
I understand this weird ghost line thing is common and with print files and is to do with the way the images are flattened on export and doesn't show up on the actual printed output.... which is great, but as this is specifically for use on an ipad, it would be really great if I can get rid of 'em.
Has anyone got any suggestions for alternative ways of exporting this? I've been faffing with it for 2 weeks and right now I'm at the end of my rope with it.
Thanks in advance!
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That does indeed look like stitching. What kind of file did you place for that artwork? If it's a flattened PDF on its own you'll need to find the original artwork and create a new, unflattened PDF.
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Thanks Bob! they're all eps files I made in illustrator - some of them have pngs placed within them (blur effects done natively in .ai bloat file sizes like crazy I discovered!!) - I don't know if that counts and might be causing the stitching?
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Why would use EPS? It's a horribly archaic format. So, go back to Illustrator and save as AI with PDF compatibility and be sure to accept the default settings of PDF/X-4.
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I'll give it a shot, but previously I've had horrible results using pdf with indesign. Always open to learning something new and giving it a bash though so thanks for your help! I'll let you know if I have any luck with it!
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See if this can help
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Thanks for the suggestions guys unfortunately neither of them worked for me - the solution I ended up going with was creating a png that was the size of the artboard. Bit of a pest to work with but it fixed the problem!