When I move the cursor from the Library grid view to the Keyword List in the right hand panel the cursor picks up and locks on to the horizontal double headed arrow used to change panel width. It doesn't change to the normal cursor as it should.
From what I have read around the forums, this is a known bug and is receiving appropriate attention from the Lightroom Team. I would hazard a guess that it will be corrected in a point release, along with other bug squashing things.
Again one of those irritating bugs that can be fixed in minutes and that remain forever at the bottom of the priority list because the top guns have more important things to do.
I suggest that Adobe hire a developer dedicated to minor bug fixing. This would make a lot of customers happy.
When moving the mouse cursor from over the picture to over the preset list, instead or being a regular mouse pointer it is horizontal two headed arrow, LR4 RC2
After a while, when a bug is not fixed early enough, it acquires the status of "permanent bug". It's no longer a bug, by the way, it's a part of the product, something that makes the product different. It is now history. It will be there in version 5, 6,... forever.
It's like a Leica camera which has known flaws that nobody will want to fix because if they fix these problems, it will no longer be a Leica camera.
Lightroom has a significant number of permanent bugs. Complaints about these are stacking up with time (sometimes years) but they are definitely removed from the todo list, merely ignored. At least, this is the feeling that the users may have.
If still present with LR 5 Adobe will not see my money. Will do the trial version for sure before purchasing the upgrade.
This is a so little bug, but really a pain in the a-doubel-s every day.
It only happens if you move your mouse fast ( though normal use , I think)
If you move the mouse slowly ( not normal use) it does not happen.
So let's say , in LR6 it is not fixed.
Forgive me if I don't use the right terms when explaining my problem.
Here is my scenario. When I am in the Library in Lightroom, for example, I have a number of pictures displayed in the middle of my screen. I have my keywords section in the right panel expanded so that I can click a picture to highlight it and then move my mouse to the right to click off the keywords in the list to add them. As I move the mouse right and left over the dividing line between the library and the right panel, the mouse doesn't change to the "single" arrow, rather it stays an arrow that points left and right. This is the arrow that it changes to when you want to drag that dividing line to make the panel wider or narrow. I can have my pointer as a single arrow and then click to select a picture and then move my mouse right very fast to the keyword area and as soon as it crosses that dividing line, it becomes this double sided arrow pointer. If I move the mouse right and left extremely fast, then most of the time it will be a single arrow when I mouse over the keywords. But I shouldn't have to move the mouse that fast in order to have a proper looking arrow. By the way, I can still click to add the keywords with this double sided arrow. Even as I move up and down over the keywords to select different keywords, the arrow won't change back to a single arrow until I move back over the pictures to select a new picture. Then it is a single arrow until I move back over to the keywords. I would like to point out that this has been the behavior since since I started using v5 with Win7. I have reinstalled and started from scratch a few times and now that I have Win10 and a clean install and new database using the Creative Cloud, I still see it. I hope I explained the issue so that you understand what I am seeing. I also hope that you can resolve this issue soon. Thanks.
Very old problem. Never fixed and probably will never be. I use to name such bugs "perpetual bugs". They have been reported multiple times since years, Adobe never cared, and now they belong to history. Without them, Lightroom would no longer be Lightroom. One of these days, they will be called features.
Not fixed!
Cursor is a 'Double-arrow' when crossing fast onto Folder Panel.
It occurs randomly when moving mouse cursor from grid to Folder panel.
It occurs more frequently when mouse movement is fast.
It does not occur when I move the mouse very slowly across the panel border.
Cursor defaults back to 'pointer' and stays if it moves over the desktop and back onto the Lightroom folder panel.