Faulty Script in Web Module of Lightroom CC 2015.1
There seems to be an error in one of the Scripts ( jquery.min.js) which is used by Lr 2015.1 to build Web Galleries.
If a user types the URL of their web site into the “Gallery Author URL” box; and a visitor to their Site then clicks on the Link, a 404 “Not Found” error page is triggered.
I find the Lightroom CC 2015 Galleries to be very disappointing in both their design and their functionality.
Adobe needs to provide a far greater range of Customisable Settings for text layout and sizing; for spacing between thumbnails; for positioning and formatting of the Main Title and also Caption boxes.
Most egregious of all?: There is no way to insert an eMail Contact Link into a Gallery page?!!
What were the designers of these Gallery templates thinking?!!
Bridge handles Gallery-building so much better than does Lr — even though Adobe has still not fixed its ability to Preview directly in a Browser from Bridge.
Bec Sowada • Adobe Employee, Oct 21, 2015Oct 21, 2015
There is a bug logged on this. In the meantime, to work around this, just include "http://" before the URL you enter. That makes the link work properly for me. (Or if you want it to be a mail link, enter "mailto:" before your email address).
There is a bug logged on this. In the meantime, to work around this, just include "http://" before the URL you enter. That makes the link work properly for me. (Or if you want it to be a mail link, enter "mailto:" before your email address).