I have just installed the 2015 CC edition of Light Room but am having problems publishing and exporting photographs. When either exporting to hard disk or publishing to FlickR, I'm getting 5 or 6 random, all white images.
This problem only began when LR6 was introduced, the white image with watermark seems to be more persistent when running multiple operations. For example when batch exporting images one without watermark and one with watermark at the same time, the one without works flawlessly but at the same time the export with the watermark contained approximately 15 images with the white image and watermark. The export of the images only contained a total of 127 images. A little background on my system: Windows 7-64bit, 64GB RAM, 3.47 XEON, Nvidia Quadro 6000. With that being said my system has more than enough resources to handle such a simple operation, that and we experienced no issues in our studio prior to LR6. This is quite frustrating and needs to garner more attention from Adobe as it is a serious bug and cripples studios with any sort of production environment. We have to go through and view 100% of the files before exporting to any online viewing system or burning any sort of backups. Within Windows the thumbnail appears fine while the full version when opened only then shows the problem at hand.
If you read up above your posting you'll see that many people have reported this problem and Adobe has been able to reproduce the issue so there's no need to go into so much detail. A workaround may be to assign a single CPU to LR using Task Manager. This reduces the parallel threads Export threads and reduces the likelihood of the problem.
I tried to find a relevant thread on the LR discussion and all I found were questions with no answers so figured I would add my details, I saw a reference to this thread with a request to post your problem so I didn't get a chance to read all the comments just yet. I am glad Adobe is looking into this and will hoping come out with a patch soon. Assigning a single core to "solve" the problem for now is crippling but at least is a work around, completely defeats the purpose of having a computer built for multitasking within LR. I look forward to a real solution soon, thank you for providing feedback so quickly.
Another workaround is to essentially export 50 images or so at a time. Much faster than using 1cpu. I havent had any white photos when watermarking as long as I export less than 100 at a time etc.
In my configuration, the bug happens frequently even with small numbers of pics being exported. In my testing, exporting 8 pics at a time, 3 of 6 exports had at least one blank pic. Exporting 4 pics at a time, 3 of 6 exports had at least one blank pic. The rate at which the bug occurs most likely depends on the size of the pic, the format (raw or JPEG), hardware speed, etc.
Glad to see this has been picked up again. I have posted this issue a month ago and have suggested it is due to LR's parallel operation using multi core CPU.
As John has mentioned, the problem is more frequent if resizing is turned on during export. The blank image occurs every third image if I resize to 1000px, less frequent if I resize to 2000px.
My work around is to use a text based watermark for the time being, it seems this issue only occurs using a graphical based watermark.
When I export a series of photos, some of them do not export and I just get a blank slide Will try to re export to another photo and then it will export but several others will not export that did export the first time.
Extract from the Adobe blog. More waiting I suppose.
dan says:
June 16, 2015 at 6:57 am
Did this update address the random white images when exporting with a watermark? I still have to go through every image I export and look at it enlarged as the thumbnail still shows the image. Talk about killing your workflow!
Rikk Flohr says:
June 16, 2015 at 9:12 am
This release does not have the fix for the random white images. We expect it to be in the next release.
Your problem description was good! As a developer, I always appreciated more cases and examples until... it is fixed. And the more people write about this problem, the sooner Adobe will resolve it 🙂
It will probably takes some time to get the bug fixed... the normal process in development is : enter the bug in the bug tracking software, assign it to a project manager, rate the bug severity, put it on hold... x days later, review the problem, assign it to a developer, developer has to reproduce the bug, try to find the solution for concurent processing, Google the problem, check stackoverflow.com, try the solution, repeat Google searches and fixes, find something that works, send it for the new version, mark the bug "fixed", do the quality insurance, go to the build process... We are now in August 😉 If we are lucky, the fix will work; if it makes unwanted side effects, we are back to the developer and it's now september.
Multithreading bugs requires a lot of thinking and times, it is normaly not an easy "bug". As companies grows, it goes slower and couples of hours to fix a bug become couples of weeks.
The developers on the projets probably have thousand of bugs to correct AND they need to get vacations... I hope it will be fixed for september (fingers crossed).
Not being able to trust your software, creating lots of extra work having to check every export and even though the people here told adobe what was wrong it still is unreliable. It makes one feel angry over the added stress and loss of time. Maybe we should bill adobe for the extra work we're doing...
I agree this is very frustrating. But try my workaround posted above, which ensures that all your pics get exported (at the cost of slowing down the export): http://feedback.photoshop.com/photosh...
This problem is occuring to me for a long time. Throughout that time I used.
LR4 on Win7
LR4 on Win8
LR6 on Win8
occur on JPGs (other formats I haven't tried)
only watermarker (with png watermark - includes transparent pixels)
50+ photos only cannot confirm even though I think it happend even with a single photo export
MAYBE IMPORTANT NOTE here... when you are saying that the files you have exported are ok, are you looking only at EXIF thumbnails or are you actually opening those files to see them big?
Exif thumbnails are generated successfully even if the file i all-white. Thus it is crutial that you open the file to see if it is ok or not :). Or at least use some viewer that does not use EXIF thumbnails or has an option to generate thumbnails from scratch.
You don't have to be sorry :
1) The bug is still not fixed... and we are 2 months later.
2) The more people post about this problem in this forum, the more chance it will be fixed by Adobe in 2015.
3) The more people post in this forum, the easier it can be found in Google search and it will help others people.
If we just keep it "silent" as M. Sprengel suggest, the bug will be classified as low priority and it will take months (wait it's been 2 months - it will takes years), to get it fixed.
BTW : A bug acknowledged is not a bug fixed. Anybody want to try skydiving with a bug in the parachute? 🙂
Switched over to CaptureOne Pro and could not be happier. A bit of a learning curve but so far, no workflow inhibiting bugs, staff are responsive and helpful, and it handles raw files far better.
I rather have a stable, working program that does not fight me rather than extra features.