Several years ago (yes, YEARS, not months) the View Info menu option and short-key (I) in LR's Print Module stopped working. Clicking the option on or off in the menu nor using the short-key (I - capital i) resulted in ... nothing happening.
I and others have repeatedly reported this problem during all these YEARS, only to be promised it would be solved "in the next update"... which were obviously all promises that were never kept.
Why is such a huge bug being allowed to live on for years, annihilating a very useful feature that allows users to see on what printer and what paper size the print is going to end up on before risking to waste hugely expensive ink and professional paper?
Why do developers no longer check the functions they build into their software?
Why do support engineers ignore or stop following-up on bugs that are being reported by users who pay for software that is released in alpha-phase, leaving the beta-phase to the "community" of users, and never even bother to get the software bug-free into the gamma-phase before releasing the next release full of gimmicks for consumer-phone-wanna-be-professional-camera-shooters?
Sorry for the rant, but I've been waiting patiently for YEARS. Dear developers, if you can't fix this bug, at least have the honesty to remove the functionality from the menu.