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so einiger Zeit werde ich beim Start von Lightroom Classic alle paar Tage aufgefordert mich anzumelden - woran kann das liegen bzw. wie kann ich das Verhalten abstellen?
Ich freue mich auf eine Lösung!
Vielen Dank!
LG Jörg
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the commnity rules - Mod.]
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I will assume you have Lightroom Classic, currently at v 13.1 and not the old perpetual Lr v 6.14. And as such, you have the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App installed and running. If this assumption is wrong, then the following is wrong.
Your copy of the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App. Do you for some reason sign out, or do you leave it signed in?
Signing out would deactivate the Adobe applications such as Lightroom Classic, and when you attempted to use Lightroom Classic you would be prompted to login (or sign in). This would be a user error. (as in why, just why did you sign out)
If you do not sign out, but when you start LrC you get a login demand, then something is wrong. This could be a program error. (as in something is wrong with the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App, or with LrC)
The next time this happens, look at your Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App, and see if you are signed in.
Incidentally, sometimes it is recommend in such occurs like yours, to intentional sign out in the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App, wait a few seconds, then sign back in, and to pay attention to any error messages or notifications that might occur. This as a diagnostic.
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Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I am using LRc in the current version and also have the Adobe Creativ Cloud desktop app installed.
I do not explicitly log out of Lightroom Classic. I close the program when I have finished using it.
I don't start the Adobe Creative Cloud app separately, but it probably runs in the background because I regularly receive notifications about updates.
In principle, I have not changed anything in my installation or my usage behavior, but this problem did not occur before.
Maybe someone else has an idea.
Best regards Jörg
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