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I have installed Lightroom Classic on my PC which is running on Windows10. I have a Loupedeck+ connected to the system which I use for editing in lightroom.
When I press the arrow key on my keyboard/loupedeck inorder to navigate to the next/previous photo (in library or develop modeule), it appears like the directional key press gets stuck and lightroom will scroll through all the photos imported in the current folder. This doesnt happen every time when I use lightroom.
I am using this same keyboard and loupedeck+ with other editing and MSoffice softwares during which it never gave any issues. So it is definitely not the faulty keyboards. I have tried connecting this keyboard and loupedeck on other PCs and they appear to work just fine.
Only work around for me is to restart my PC and start my work again which is really annoying and time consuming. Is anyone else facing this same issue? Is there a workaround/fix for this issue?
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As a next step, let's identify whether there's an issue with the Loupedeck plugin in your LR configuration. Go to File > Plug-in Manager, select the Loupedeck plugin, and click Disable in the Status panel on the right. Restart LR.
Does the problem still happen? If not, that suggests the issue is with the plugin and you'll need to contact Loupedeck for support.
If the problem still occurs, try resetting LR's preferences:
LR sometimes soils its preferences file, and resetting it can fix all sorts of wonky behavior. That article explains how to restore the old preferences if resetting doesn't help.
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I face this issue all the is so annoying and wastes immense amount of time. Just a click of the arrow key on Loupedeck+ and it gets into a tail spin, an endless tail spin. I just leave my workstation and go do something and comeback after some 30 mins (time wasted), if I am any lucky that day, it'd have stopped or I will have to hard reset my latpop. Exasperating!
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Could you contact Loupedeck Customer Support for deeper logging, so that it could be seen what is happening under the hood?
It might be also interesting to log this from Lightroom's side to see what kind of messages LR is getting via API to cause this kind of behaviour.
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Are you the same Karo Holmberg who created those presets that come with Loupedeck? Hi, hello!!
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Yes, same person. Those were made to come along the Loupedeck Original in 2017 - mainly to be used and boost color within event photos (if photo has e.g. Blue LED lights -> blue event color -preset will boost that up) 🙂
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Yes, same here. I face this problem every single time. I found the way to handle it but it doesn' t work every time.
When it starts, i unplug Loupedeck+ and plug it again. It sometimes stopes. Then i restart the Loupedeck software. I am forced to restart my PC when things are going crazy (1 out of 5 times).
I got used to work like that for 2-3 years!
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Did you contact Loupedeck support, as requested above?
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This describes exactly one to one what I have been experiencing with Loupedeck+ for more than a year now.
At first I was not sure what was causing it, but after a lot of trial and error, it is now clear that Loupedeck+ is triggering this strange behaviour.
It seems that Loupedeck has always had problems here (with the arrow keys). Half a year ago I had an additional problem. When in Lightroom Classic (then 12.2.1) in the Develop Module, Move to Next/Previous photo added the next right (or left photo) to the selection and didn't only move to the next photo. I contacted the support, but they only told me I should update to Loupedeck Software version: 5.6.2. and that would solve the problem. But I had already told them in the form, that I was using Loupedeck Software version: 5.6.2. My reference to this remained unanswered. So no real help from Loupedeck support.
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I have the problem for more than 3 years now. I always update the Lightroom version, the Loupedeck drivers, everything. It' s always there.
I hope it is a software problem that i will forget one day, but i used to live with it.
It also triggers another problem now. When it starts, my PC loses control, the keyboard starts behaving weirdly and sometimes the mouse seems to become crazy. I need to restart in order to start working again.I WILL BECOME CRAZY 😄
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Hey, any updates? I also get this problem, very annoying. 🙂
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Currently experiencing the same issues here, November 2023. Really frustrating stuff!
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@brendan_ashmore, are you using Loupedeck or another MIDI controller?
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I'm on the Loupedeck+. I also think today it got stuck repeating cmd+A on my mac keyboard (with the Loupedeck plugged in) so I think it's an issue with the software talking to Lightroom (I think at least!)
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i have pushed this forward so that development team knows that it does happen with other commands also, not jst arrow.
Would be interested to know has this happened to anyone using any other Loupedeck device than Loupedeck+.
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Currently typing this from my phone since my computer is stuck in its left arrow issue. I believe it first happened this time after pressing the left arrow continuously, quickly to go through some pictures. The left arrow is affecting whatever window it is in, for example opening safari it goes quickly through the history of that tab, or clicking in the toolbar (to restart!) just goes quickly through each menu item without me getting a chance to click.
I noticed I need an update so will try that. Also, in the time it freaks, unplugging the Loupedeck didn't help to stop it, but I could still press keys inbetween the 'freak' clicks. I hope this somehow helps and would obviously appreciate a solution! This is clearly software, not hardware too 🙂
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Hey @Karo Holmberg Logitech - did anything come of this? Was just using the Loupedeck+ again and having the same issue. So that rules out the update. I am going to keep track of what I've got going on so I might be able to provide some clearer details of how/when things happen. Thanks!
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I am having the same problem. It makes the Loupedeck+ useless to me if it keeps doing it. I am still in my return window I may just return it if I can't figure out a way to make it stop.
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unfortunately no.
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We have received a message from a user who has found a Windows based feature that (at least in some cases) causes this behaviour: It is a accessibility feature that "sticks" key down when pressed multiple times in a row. This does not explain all the cases - so it might not work for each and everyone. But give it a try.
This should be set "OFF":
On MacOS there is a feature that "slowed down" key presses (or something like that) - changing the value on that setting helped some mac users "back in the day".
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I have Sticky keys completely off but i turned that off too just to be sure. We' ll see but i don' t believe that anything will change.
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Thank you for your response. I find it hard to believe that 'some people' are affected by sticky keys only with Loupedeck keyboard and not with their normal keyboard.
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This windows feature requires that you press SHIFT+[something] many times in a row. I have hard time to believe, that people would need to press this keyboard combination many times in a row - except when using shortcuts in an application.
But as I mentioned. This is one possibility and it has helped some users (as those users have reported the fix to Loupedeck personally).