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Camera settings messed up in developer window

Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Hi there, I have a problem I can't solve for a while now. I shoot nature usually, so setting up my camera on the field is essential. I shoot in RAW usually and keep working with RAW files in LR and PS. Previously I edited my preferences to use Camera setting as global raw default in both programs and they worked nicely. A couple of weeks ago it has changed though and I can't see my original camera settings in developer modes (and raw converter in PS). When I import the files I see the embedded preview in LR in Library mode, but it changes in developer mode and even choosing the Preset Defaults to Camera settings on the left sidebar under Navigator panel it just does not work. I shoot with sony alpha 7III and a6600 and both worked fine before with these settings. Anyone any idea how this should be fixed? Its very frustrating. Thank you!





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Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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What settings are you expecting to see applied with the raw defaults set to 'Camera Settings? Is it possible you changed the settings in your camera(s)?




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Hi Todd, I change my camera settings on the field all the time! But if I
understand well, if I apply these settings in LR - Edit - Preferences -
Presets - Default - Camera settings, my camera settings I applied on the
field should be used for further editing in LR. It worked before... Now if
I change from the Library window (which still has my camera settings I used
for taking the picture, Picture1) to Develop window - the colors change to
another preset, and I cant get back to my original camera settings




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Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Your screenshots are too small, text is fuzzy, cannot make out many bits if info.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Hi GoldingD, thanks for your comment. I tried to make print screens, but
still, the text is too small. The thing is, however, not the text but the
pictures, in them you can see the difference in color is obvious. The first
picture shows the imported picture with my camera settings I used on the
field - this is what you see in the Library window of LR and says embedded
preview. When I go to the developer mode to make some final touches in LR
on the picture the camera settings change to another preset and I can't get
back my original settings. I used LR the same way before - in Edit -
Preferences - Presets - I used Camera settings as default settings and it
worked before even in developer mode (the picture colors were should be the
same on both pictures I shared). I don't know if I messed up something, or
something changed with a new update or there are some settings I didn't use
before in my camera on the field which cannot be translated into LR...




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Nov 04, 2021 Nov 04, 2021

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You may have applied some other setting(s) in the camera that LrC can't apply using its Camera Settings mode. Upload the ARW file to Dropbox and I'll take a look at it.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 05, 2021 Nov 05, 2021

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Hi Todd, yes I think it has something to do with "fn" functions, I rarely used those functions before, but found them useful with the colorful autumn leaves to reach through the colors what I really see in the forest. Please find a sample file via this link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmD8rg-ZKqx0goMtghg2oHe5HIbcCg?e=ME1qTM

It would be nice though to know what exact settings can't be translated by LR to avoid them. Or find another software which can handle those settings. Do you have any idea perhaps, if such a photo editor exists? Capture one for sony for example could do the job? Thank you for your feedback.




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Nov 05, 2021 Nov 05, 2021

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I see two camera settings in the ARW file EXIF data that aren't applied by LrC (Saturation High and Sharpness Hard). Not sure what camera setting is applying them, but I suggest not using them when shooting raw files (see below).


You said, "I shoot nature usually, so setting up my camera on the field is essential." When shooting raw files there's really no need to change camera settings in the field. That's the benefit of shooting raw. Unlike JPEG the raw file image data has no picture style settings applied and has 12-14 bit depth. This gives you much more flexibility and dynamic range when editing in LrC or any other raw processor.


You in the leisure of your home or office can apply whatever LrC settings required to achieve ANY rendering. In the case of your DSC01389.ARW file I was able to achieve the same rendering as the in-camera embedded preview with the below settings. In reality you may end up creating an entirely different rendering inside LrC than your in-camera preview and settings made in the field. Because of this I see little benefit and lots of downsides to using a raw processor that can in fact read your in-camera settings made in the field. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!


My best advice is to learn how to use all of the tools available inside LrC. There are some great free and paid learning resources at the below website. I've been using Lightroom since 1.0 January 2007 and still learning new stuff! Remember Lightroom Rule #5–Enjoy!



DSC01380 Develop Settings.jpgexpand image








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Community Beginner ,
Nov 07, 2021 Nov 07, 2021

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Hi Todd, thank you so much for looking into it. I think I can live without those particular settings applying them on the field. 🙂 However, I still prefer setting up the camera when I work to get to the closest result inbody that matches the reality. I know many photographers have the AWB attitude, but in nature photography in some of the photo contests your possibilities to edit post shooting are very limited - and I was taught according to that. I could reach the colors post in LR, but I still prefer not using the settings then what you figured out for me. Thank you again! 




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Nov 07, 2021 Nov 07, 2021

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"However, I still prefer setting up the camera when I work to get to the closest result inbody that matches the reality."


In the case of your DSC01380.ARW file the image has a high degree of atmospheric haze, which responds well to LrC Dehaze control. There's no way to judge in-camera the effect of the Dehaze control, and many other of LrC's editing controls. These controls will help get you to a good rendering more quickly in LrC. You can then use LrC sync settings function to batch apply these edits to other similar images from the same shooting session. You may also consider creating some custom Develop presets to help speed the editing process. In the below screenshot I used a Linear Gradient to apply Dehaze to the upper two-thirds of the image. Just an example of some ways to speed up your LrC editing so you can stay focused on image composition.


The only thing I check in-camera is the histogram, but even here it does not provide a good indication of the actual raw data highlight clipping. This can only be determined using an app such as Rawdigger during post processing. Just some suggestions.....


Dehaze mask.jpgexpand image




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Nov 05, 2021 Nov 05, 2021

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One technique to try. In Presets, in Classic-General , use the one called Zeroed.






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Community Beginner ,
Nov 07, 2021 Nov 07, 2021

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Hi GoldingD, thank you, I tried it but din't work unfortunately.. I will follow up on Todd's findings, and won't use the settings that are not compatible with LR in the future. Thank you for your tip though.




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