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I've been testing LR and Canon R5 . I started to think that the files were pretty noisy with LR.
Did some googling and searching on the forum here, and it appears I'm not the only one concerned about how LR handles R5 files.
So I did some tests comparing LR 10.2 and Canon DPP.
Results are pretty damming. Basically an ISO200 shot in LR looks close to noise in an ISO1600 shot viewing (and processed out) , unadjusted in DPP.
And an ISO 1600 shot in LR looks like what I'd iamgine a 3200 or 4200iso shot in DPP and poss Capture One.
The look of noise in LR reminds me of old Nikon cameras 10 years ago.
It appears LR is putting a larger grain overlay on them, not just boosting existing noise.
Basically LR wont be able to process professional still life and product shots to the required quality.
I expect to be able to get super smooth clean tones in products and backgrounds as the base image to retouch with.
It won't be quite as noticeable in portraits and busier life, location type photos.
But still you'd notice a ton of noise in a very aveage 800iso shot with a ncie blue sky, that would make it look like 2000iso or shot on a camera from 2010!
I've attached screengrabs from 200% zooms on same 2 images in LR & DPP.
Plus jpg exports at 5000px at 80% quality.
Have tried to keep everything equal as much as possible.
Other R5 users or people interested , let me know your findings , thoughts too.
(I need to get Capture One Pro 21 to do a test comparism with that next)
But would love to see & hear anyones experience of how R5 files comapre with Cap One rendering.
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It would be so much more helpful if you showed the images at 100% zoom, and if you show the noise reduction settings you have applied in both programs.
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Thanks will see what I can do to update this.
I Tried to be as level as I could to match the sharpening and NR to be fair .
basic review is LR add and extra veil of noise grain that isn't in the raws and other processors don't do .
have now done basic tests in `capture one pro21 , and it's night and day ...
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Also, please use the Insert Photos button in the toolbar instead of attaching-
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Thanks will do next 👍
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First of all, when evaluating noise and applying noise reduction (the same applies to sharpness/sharpening), the image must be viewed at 100%. At this view, one image pixel is represented by one screen pixel, and this is the only view that shows you an accurate representation of the image. (if you have a high resolution monitor you may have to use 200%, because the pixels are so small) Any other view will be inaccurate and misleading because the image has been scaled.
Also remember that sharpening accentuates noise. If you have an image with noise in flat areas, and use Lightrooms' default sharpening, the whole image will be sharpened, including the noise. Use the Masking slider under Sharpening to protect flat areas from sharpening. Press the Alt key while dragging the slider. White areas will be sharpened, black areas will be protected.
I'll admit that Lightroom's noise reduction isn't the best in the class, IMO it tends to blur sharp detail too much, but it does definitely not add noise. (except by sharpening it, which you can avoid by using the Masking slider)
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DPP's default sharpeming and noise reduction settings are probably different than LrC. I suggest uploading a CR3 file that exhibits the noise so we can check it on our systems in LrC 10.2 and DPP.
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The default setting for luminance noise reduction in DPP 4 is '4' whereas in LrC it is zero. If you set DPP to zero I suspect you'll find that it displays significantly more luminance noise than it does at the default setting of '4'. I've atatched a comparison between the two settings in DPP 4 at 100% to demonstrate. Also, note that all other DPP 4 settings have been left at their default. So, the difference is solely due to Luminance Noise reduction.
Edit: I forgot to mention that the image was shot at 400 ISO
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In above post I indicated that the default LNR for DPP 4 is '4', which is the case for the example I showed (i.e. 400 ISO). However, for other ISO values the default LNR setting differs. I've shown the defaults for each full stop between 100 and 1600 ISO below
100 = 2
200 = 3
400 = 4
800 = 5
1600 = 6
Chrominance Noise (Colour Noise) follows the same pattern (i.e. 2 @ 100 ISO to 6 @ 1600 ISO)
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Hi S, you are making a mistake here. You are comparing low quality photos from the library view in LR with DPP in development. There is quite a quality difference between the library an development view in LR!
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Were you able to fix this issue?
I have been using Capture One 21 for 5 months and I don't love it. Images are clean just like DPP thou.
Yesterday someone suggested me to convert to TIFF in DPP and edit in lightroom. Files are huge, 5x bigger than the EOSR5 CR3's. The conversion takes for ever but once in Lightroom I feel at home. The photos look great with the Color Fidelity profile.
I don't think this workflow is sustainable so I wanted to know if you have found any solution to this issue.
Thank you,
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Hi, Did you find a workaround to this workflow? I've been doing the same thing but the process is painstaking to say the least. Any tip would be appriciated.
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Hi, I think I did find a workaround.
if you go to the Develop module in Lightroom and then expand the Detail section you will fing Noise reduction where you can set the color slider to zero. Much better!
you can then create a preset just for color noise that you can use while the files are imported to Lightroom.
I hope it works for you as it did for me. Now I use Capture One less and less. I am loving the new features in Lightroom.
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Honestly DPP has impressed me with noise handling. The UI not so much but I've been using LR since it came out.