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Compare View seems to not work as designed [when I pick one, all images are selected]

Explorer ,
Sep 26, 2023 Sep 26, 2023

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I am tried multiple times to take advantage of the "Compare View" function.  I have watched Julieanne's videos on this.  


But my version just doesn't seem to work as the tutorials and manual and instructions indicate.

When I select a group of say 4 images to "Compare," when I "Pick" one, they are ALL selected.  Julieanne's video seems to indicate that ONLY the "Select" image would get a flag as being "picked" not all of the group.


I have re-started, updated, etc., yet this behavior does not change.


Am I doing something wrong?









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Community Expert , Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

Just to check - is AutoSync switched on at the bottom of the panels on right side?





Community Expert , Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

AutoSync ON is a mode whereby whatever you do applies immediately across all selected images, not only to the active image. So for as long as the switch is set as in my screenshot, you have to be continually careful about what you have selected, since bulk changes may be intended (powerful) or not intended (dangerous). It's incompatible with having a set of images selected and Picking just one of those; since all will be Picked.


I suppose if these images were stacked you could instead promote




Community Expert ,
Sep 26, 2023 Sep 26, 2023

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Are you using  'Compare View [C]'  or 'Survey View [N]' ?

Your question suggests you are wanting Survey View.

2023-09-27 07_54_18-Clipboard.jpg  (screen-clip: 4 black blank images)

When I use Survey view I can [L-mouse-click] on one image that shows a white stroke border, and this is the only image that is flagged with a [P] keypress.


Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Explorer ,
Sep 29, 2023 Sep 29, 2023

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I am using "Compare View," and I am using it as Julieanne Kost describes
using it. (See Lightroom CC - Comparing, Rating, and Prioritizing Images
at the 3:25 mark)

I just checked using "Survey View" with several pictures, and, when I
"Pick" one image, they all get "picked" - just like in "Compare View."

So, I would offer that NEITHER "Compare View," or "Survey View" are
working as intended. My understanding is that I should be able to "Pick" a
single photo after reviewing a group of photos in "Compare View." The only
way I can "Pick" a single image is to leave "Compare View" and de-select
all images (remembering the image I wished to select), and then
selecting it and "Picking" it.






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Community Expert ,
Sep 29, 2023 Sep 29, 2023

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Try as best I can, I cannot replicate what you are describing.

There should always be ONE image in 'Compare' or 'Survey' screen that has a fine stroke border. (Not looking at the Filmstrip!)

On a black background- that will be white.

On a White background- that will be black (dark).

You can change the background tone (Black <> White ) by a [Right-Click] on the background (under the grid previews)

2023-09-30 14_42_55-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg

Let us know if you see this- one image in Survey or Compare view, with a Stroke border.


When you have multiple images in Survey view, and two images in Compare view- You must [Left-Click] the cursor on the image that you want to be 'Most Selected', and that will (should) be the image that receives the Flag Pick/Unflag/Reject.

"I should be able to "Pick" a single photo"- Yes , but you must click the cursor on the image you want to Flag first, then press [P].

If, as you say this is not working as it should-

Reset the Preferences file as a first step (If not already done)- PREFERENCES RESET 



Compare View (Two dark images)- Image on the right is 'Most Selected' with stroke border

2023-09-30 14_35_01-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg

Survey View - Image on the Left is the 'Most Selected' with stroke border.

You should also see the Flag status under each photo on the screen. Image on the right is Pick Flagged.

2023-09-30 14_33_45-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg

Post some screen-clips by using the [Insert Photos] 'Landscape' icon above the message box.



Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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Before saying anything further, thanks for your patience.  On my end, this is driving me crazy(er).


This morning, I spent about 2 hours taking screen shots in various scenarios with admittedly varying results.  Yes, sometimes everything worked.  But, sometimes it did not.  I thought I had isolated the problem to whether the group being compared was a single group all by itself as opposed to a sub-group selected out of a larger group.  For example, it appeared that if I had the simple, single group of 5 moon shots, and no image was selected, LrCC worked as expected.  These were results I had never ahd before.


So, then I tried returning to the larger group of supermoon shots and selected just 5 of these images.  I have attached 10 screeenshots of one of my run-thrus with this setup - again with varying results.  This are in a sort order starting with 101903 and ending with 103119.  Ultimately, however, at the end of this process, a single selection (X) led to all images being "X"ed - NOT as I expected.


Here's what I did:

1. Grid View, nothing selected

2. Grid View, 5 moonshot images selected

3. Switch to Compare View, 5 images still selected, image 14 white dot, image 15 black dot

4. Pick (P) image 15  (Images 14 and 15 were then swapped by LrCC; picking image 15 automatically made it the Select image)

5. Scroll through Candidates one by one to image 17

6. After making image 16 the Select image, Reject (X) 17

7. Scroll to image 18 (black dot)

8. Pick (P) image 16

9. Pick (P) image 18

10.Unpick (X) image 18 => ALL unpicked


I realize that this is a somewhat random series of selections, but, on the other hand, when selecting a few images from a larger group, this may not be that odd.  I also realize that most likely I am not doing something in the way the developers intended.  However, with the number of upvotes that appeared quickly, I may not be alone.







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Community Expert ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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Just to check - is AutoSync switched on at the bottom of the panels on right side?







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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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Yes, Autosync was highlighted, and I assume that means On.

The first screenshot did not have these buttons highlighted or active.
The second s the button became active (sync metadata) but not highlighted
The third screen it became (without any action on my part) active AND
highlighted as "Autosync."
And it remained this way throughout the rest of the session.

As I am understanding this now, the main "Sync" button opens a menu where
the user can select what items to sync among the image group; the
"slide-switch" on the side of the button enables "Autosync" syncing
everything (?) or syncing according to the Syns Settings status.

Am I correct that this "Sync" relates only to the images in the group and
is unrelated to "syncing" folders, etc.?

What would be a recommendation as to how to generally have this option set?





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Community Expert ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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AutoSync ON is a mode whereby whatever you do applies immediately across all selected images, not only to the active image. So for as long as the switch is set as in my screenshot, you have to be continually careful about what you have selected, since bulk changes may be intended (powerful) or not intended (dangerous). It's incompatible with having a set of images selected and Picking just one of those; since all will be Picked.


I suppose if these images were stacked you could instead promote the chosen image to be head of the stack and Autosync being ON would probably not interfere with that. I'd advise turning AutoSync off unless / until you might decide to adopt it routinely, and hence to fully learn the needed awareness.


When AutoSync is OFF, whatever you do applies only to the active image. To then repeat this same work onto other images, a further action would be needed after the fact: 'copy/paste settings'', repeat 'previous' image settings, or using the Sync button at lower right.


You are right, the Sync and the Autosync features referred to in this reply have got nothing to do with synchronising local images, nor their edits, with the online Creative Cloud ecosystem - nor, with syncing the contents of a Folder.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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@richardplondon  Thanks for "AutoSync" explanation.  Didn't occur to me- Brain cells disappearing 🙂


Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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And thank you, Rob, for your help and patience.





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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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Thank you!  I especially enjoyed the powerful v. dangerous descriptions.  This applies to SOOOO many things in life.







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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2023

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That last "Thank You" was for Richard btw.


I am not sure why an earlier reply to Richard seems not to have been posted but here it is:


This (turning Autosync off) does seem to limit the picking, un-picking, etc. to a single image.  
However, another odd behavior is happening, one that I alluded to in my long post this morning with all of the screenshots.
When I "P" or "X" or "U" an image, that image automatically becomes the Select image.  This makes no sense to me when I have "X"ed an image.  If I am "X"ing it, why would I want it to be the new Select image?  Can you guys duplicate this behavior?
There must be yet another setting that I am missing.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 01, 2023 Oct 01, 2023

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For me, in Compare view, flagging does not change which is the Select image nor which images are displayed. except when there is a view filter active (which is dynamically hiding or showing images in the Filmstrip, Grid view and Compare depending on their flagging). So when a Select image is no longer to be displayed. some different image needs to step into that role within Compare view.


Either the current Select or the current Candidate can be targeted at a given moment (with a white border line around its Loupe view, set e.g. by clicking on the grey surround background of the image). Clicking in the Filmstrip will duly substitute either the Select or the Candidate, depending - and that one will also then receive the effect of e.g. pressing a flagging key shortcut.. Could that be it?





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Explorer ,
Oct 01, 2023 Oct 01, 2023

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I will reply with some more detail and some screenshots in a little while,
but what you described is certainly not what I am seeing. I do not have any
filters on, yet, when I "X" an image in the candidate slot, it goes into
the select spot on the left.

I will try to determine where the white line is when all of this happens.

Thanks again for hanging in there with me.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 02, 2023 Oct 02, 2023

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AFAIK if there is no view filter active,  (and, provided you are not viewing a Smart Collection with membership that depends on flag status) a Reject action should not change anything about the display of the image. I think you can sort on star status but not on flag, so sort shouldn't be relevant, nor stacking. I don't have the application in front of me just now so can't add any further comment. 





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Explorer ,
Oct 02, 2023 Oct 02, 2023

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OK, I remain puzzled - puzzled by why this behavior is happening apparently just in my setup.

I have attached three screenshots that show how on my system, when I "X" an image, it goes to the Select position rather than the next image popping up to take its place.

1. Here are the 5 moons; no Autosync; no filters; equally rated; and only the 5 moons -- not a subset of a larger group or collection.

2. I have switched to Compare View; white dot on #1 and black dot on #2 - automatically since none were selected before.

3. I have gone through the images to #4 and am going to "X" it with the cursor.

4. #4 correctly got an "X" but did hop to the left into the Select position, and #1 moved to the Candidate position.

I ran this scenario again, and this time "selected" the "Candidate" side (highlighting it with the white line) before "X"ing it with exactly the same results.

I must be doing something wrong.  I do recognize that in this particular case ("X'ing an image) that I could eliminate this by putting a flag filter on to drop "X"ed images, but I remain puzzled why you don't seem to see this same behavior of the hopping to the Select side on your machines.





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Explorer ,
Oct 06, 2023 Oct 06, 2023

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Richard and Rob:


Did I wear you guys out?






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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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Yeah- still trying to "get my head around" your problem! (Both for you AND ME.!!)

Turn AUTOSYNC 'Off'-  It is only complicating matters!  (It is 'on' in your screen-clips)

And AUTO ADVANCE will also affect the process. Menu: Photo/Auto Advance (toggles on/off  as does the CapsLock.)


So I did a test trying to replicate what you are seeing- My workflow in screen-clips:


1)  I selected five images #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 to look at in Compare mode.  (#1) is the 'Select' window image. Also the 'Most Selected' (brightest on the Filmstrip) and has the active stroke border.

2023-10-08 11_59_01-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg


2) I  turn AUTO ADVANCE 'ON' by engaging [CapsLock]. And I click on the Candidate window image#2 to give it the stroke border. Note it also becomes the 'Most Selected' (brightest) of the 5 images on the filmstrip.

2023-10-08 11_59_26-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg


3) I press keyboard [P] to Pick Flag the Candidate Image#2-

The result is that Image#2 receives the Pick Flag (see the Filmstrip in next clip) and the Most Selected image auto advances to Image #3.

2023-10-08 11_59_49-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg


4) I press keyboard [P] to Pick Flag the Candidate Image#3-

The result is that Image#3 receives the Pick Flag (see the Filmstrip in next clip) and the Most Selected image auto advances to Image #4.

2023-10-08 12_00_10-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg

5) I press keyboard [P] to Pick Flag the Candidate Image#4 -

The result is that Image#4 receives the Pick Flag (see the Filmstrip) and the Most Selected image auto advances to Image #5.

2023-10-08 12_00_36-Roberts Catalog-v12 - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Library.jpg

Note that Image#1 has always remained in the Select window and doesn't change. (I am comparing images #2-#5  with #1)


Now if i have AUTO ADVANCE turned 'off'  (Not in the Photo Menu, & not with CapsLock)- If I make the 'Candidate' image the Stroked Border, I can move back and forward through the Candidates #2 - #5 with the Arrows on the Tool bar, or the KB Arrow keys, Flagging to Pick, un-pick, reject - meanwhile the 'Select' Image #1 remains in the Select window.

Try and follow through my clips to see what results...!


Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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I'll try this out.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2023 Oct 08, 2023

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Good spot Rob. For me, shift+P (which applies Pick flag and also advances to another photo) switches Select for Candidate in particular circumstances, and so does pressing the "p" key when Caps Lock is active.


This can sometimes make Compare appear to be "switching places" but it is more accurate IMO to say that one side of Compare is cycling through images, and the other side is reacting by changing image - but only when that's required to prevent the two sides from showing the same image.


Key shortcuts are conventially referred to by the upper case letter, but with some it's really the lower case instance you need to type, to avoid the modified action that the Shift key or Caps Lock would involve.





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New Here ,
Feb 04, 2025 Feb 04, 2025

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This may be partially related to this issue, as I've not been getting linked/synced mag or reference frames until, with both at the start of the comparison, I right-clicked on the image I wanted as a selected image (vs candidate) and adamantly made it a reference image, by choosing that option. Now things are linked as LrC demos indicate they should be!





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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2023 Oct 08, 2023

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one more step Rob when you've 1 on the left and 5 on the right: applying Pick to 5 on the right side (with auto advance) will cycle around to showing 1 on the right. At this point 1 cannot remain showing on the left too, since Compare forbids this. So the Select image must consequentially change.


For me, that looks like a left-right switch of 5 and 1 in accidental effect, if not in intention.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2023 Oct 08, 2023

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Thanks @richardplondon   I see that "cycle around" effect also. Most tuts I have seen only compare two images with this function. My experimenting example would suit comparing many selected photos with one in particular.

Maybe the OP @KSNelson  has worked out something, and turned off Autosync.

I cannot offer more suggestions as to understanding the workings of 'Compare'.



Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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