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I very much enjoy the new features that have been added to LrC. The one feature we lost was it use to not matter the order you applied the controls. We now have to plan to use controls like heal/clone before masking.
I was just working on a photo that where I selected the sky, had do some subtractions, they play around till I got the clouds right. I then noticed some street signs I wanted to get rid of but of course the heal/cloning tool would not work right. Rather than back out all my changes, I decided to edit them out in PS.
I would really like for LrC to go back to not caring the order controls are applied. Does anyone know if this has been requested anywhere?
Personally, I'm hoping Adobe restores the philosphy that the order of controls does not matter 😉
By @DS256
It’s less a philosophy, and more “how do we chain the re-rendering calculations through all of the parametric edits from raw, so that people don’t complain about how long it takes.” In reality, the order in Lightroom/Camera Raw still matters a lot less than it does in Photoshop, but any adaptive mask is going to have to re-adapt if you change the image under it (with something like hea
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A possible workaround. Copy your develop settings, selecting just the masks, in the develop module, delete the masks, accomplish your heals, then paste those masks back in.
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I think your post is the first request in the Ideas section. The issue was certainly discussed a lot in the past two years:
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Thanks @GoldingD . I have seen posting of copy/pasting development settings across multiple photos but have never had to do that so it never registered with me.
I found this documentation on develop setting copy/paste. I'll try that the next time I find myself in a similar situation.
Personally, I'm hoping Adobe restores the philosphy that the order of controls does not matter 😉
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Personally, I'm hoping Adobe restores the philosphy that the order of controls does not matter 😉
By @DS256
It’s less a philosophy, and more “how do we chain the re-rendering calculations through all of the parametric edits from raw, so that people don’t complain about how long it takes.” In reality, the order in Lightroom/Camera Raw still matters a lot less than it does in Photoshop, but any adaptive mask is going to have to re-adapt if you change the image under it (with something like healing).
Probably one of the reasons that johnrellis linked to that other thread is that it includes comments from Adobe, one of which suggests that Adobe is trying to, or at least open to, getting this right, because the Adobe employee said:
Future enhancements may provide a way around this.
That’s actually a lot more encouraging than Adobe saying “We can’t comment.” It means they are willing to publicly say they are looking into ways to make it better.
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Thanks @Conrad_C. You are correct "That’s actually a lot more encouraging than Adobe saying “We can’t comment.” It means they are willing to publicly say they are looking into ways to make it better."
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All you have to do is have LrC regenerate the mask. I agree it would be better to not have to do this but the functionality is in LrC. I am not near my computer now to show you the command.
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In Develop, the command is Settings > Update AI Settings.
In Library, it's Photo > Develop Settings > Update AI Settings.
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Thanks @Bob Somrak but I think you and @GoldingD are simply proving my point 😉
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Everyone on this thread probably thinks this issue should be resolved. The command to regenerate the AI masks is easy and works well. You DO NOT have to do any of the gyrations you went through in your first post.
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@Bob Somrak "You DO NOT have to do any of the gyrations you went through in your first post" and I appreciate being told how to do it quicker.