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Liebe Community,
kann mir jemand sagen, ob und wie es möglich ist die Vorgaben für die Benennung der Unterordner beim Import anzupassen, ich möchte gerne folgendes Format verwenden:
Jahr/Jahr-Monat Bsp. 2022/2022-02 - die Vorgabe 2022/2022-02-17 kommt meinem Wunsch ja schon sehr nahe, ich möchte jedoch nicht für jeden Tag einen Unterordner, sondern alle Bilder eines Monats in einem Ordner haben, der Ordnername soll dabei das Jahr und den Monat enthalten. Es würde auch reichen nur einen mit Jahr und Monat benannten Unterordner zu erstellen, es muss also nicht zwingend ein übergeordneter Ordner, benannt nach dem Jahr erstellt werde.
Ich freue mich sehr auf eure Ideen und Lösungsansätze.
So use this Import format- (No manually typing folder names!)
This 2022/02 format will import files as 'Month' sub-folders (no days)-
Or this one-
A disadvantage with this one is that it sorts the 'Months' alphabetically- August before May, etc. Whereas 2022/02 will sort the months numerically.
One point to understand is that with any Preset that includes a forward slash [/] you must highlight a 'Parent' folder above the 'Year' sub-folders that may exist.
Compare the Presets above with t
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In both MACOS and Windows OS, / is not a proper character to use in file or folder naming. Do not use it.
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Thanks for your answer,
i know that i should´nt use / in a file name - that is not what i mean
i would like to create a folder named by year : 2022
an in this folder subfolders named by month and year : 2022-02 or 2022-Februar
in Lightroom is only a preset with year-month-day for the subfolder name - but i dont like the day in the name
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I see that I misunderstood what the LrC destination by date screen was displaying.
I am not a fan of filing by date structure, I avoid it like the plague, and I made a mistake in understanding that info, my bad.
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Can I assume that you have tried creating the desired folder, before importing, and then importing to the desired folder?
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Does not the 4th option down, 2022/02 accomplish that?
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the second option would be suitable if it did not also contain the day - I would also like to have the year in the folder name - otherwise it can be difficult if the folder named by month is no longer in the folder named by year, in addition, you would have the possibility to do without the year folders completely and still have a chronological structure
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The steps are- (Using the [Copy] from a camera card, or [Move] from a Hard-drive)
In the Library view-
1) If it does not exist- Create a Folder '2022'
You can do this in the Folder panel by a [Right-Click] on the parent folder (eg. My Pictures Robert)
A new folder {2022} will then show in the Folder panel as empty-
2) In the IMPORT dialog-
Set these options in the Destination panel and YOU type in the NAME of the sub-folder you want-
eg. {2022-02} {2022-February} {2022-Feb}
3) You Select (highlight) the new {2022} parent folder.
This is a preview in the Destination panel showing you where your imported photos will go-
For future Imports to the {2022} folder you only need to do Steps 2) and 3).
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Thank you Rob,
I know that I can enter the folder names manually, but I wanted to use the date function for larger photo quantities to create the folders automatically - there is a scheme in LR for this, but there is also a new folder created for each day. For example, I want to have all the pictures from February 2021 placed in a folder called 2021-February
the second line of the Lightroom presets corresponds to my wish, except that the tag is included
I was already in contact with Adobe, there is an entry in the configuration file "Lightroom Classic CC 7 Preferences.agprefs" which could describe this: AgImport_shootNameFormat = "%Y/%Y-%m-%d", but even if I remove %d this unfortunately has no effect.
It could be the right line, but I don't know how to get this setting active
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So use this Import format- (No manually typing folder names!)
This 2022/02 format will import files as 'Month' sub-folders (no days)-
Or this one-
A disadvantage with this one is that it sorts the 'Months' alphabetically- August before May, etc. Whereas 2022/02 will sort the months numerically.
One point to understand is that with any Preset that includes a forward slash [/] you must highlight a 'Parent' folder above the 'Year' sub-folders that may exist.
Compare the Presets above with this one that DOES create 'Day' sub-folders- (Not what you want!)
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Hi Rob,
Thanks for your answer, I have now found a solution how the change described above works in the preferences file - the field Date Format must be empty, as soon as you click on the selection menu one of the offered options is in it and can not be removed. Since I already created import presets for different cameras, the field was not empty and therefore the preferences preset was overwritten, now I have created a new catalog and noticed that without a selection it is exactly as desired.
Many thanks to all of you for your support and have a nice weekend 😉