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Filtering folders and collections no longer works

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Jan 31, 2024 Jan 31, 2024

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Filtering folders and collections by entering text in the field above the folder or collection hierarchy in the panel on the left no longer works. When I enter a text, the result always remains empty. I'm not sure how long this has been the case. It could coincide with the upgrade to version 13.
Filtering by color, synchronization or favorites does not work either.

I have created a collection set to test this:



If I filter for "Teneriffa", "Porto", "2022", "2023" or for "collections marked yellow", I should get hits. However, the results list always remains empty. Here, for example, is the result when I filter for yellow collections:



Is there perhaps a setting somewhere that I have inadvertently changed?
I would be really grateful if someone could give me a tip.












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Jan 31, 2024 Jan 31, 2024

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Perhaps you should reset your preferences file. https://www.lightroomqueen.com/how-do-i-reset-lightrooms-preferences/





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Jan 31, 2024 Jan 31, 2024

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Resetting the preferences didn't help just like deleting helper.lrdata, which @John R Ellis had advised in similar cases. 😞 The combination of the two did not help either.





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Feb 06, 2024 Feb 06, 2024

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To keep you informed, here are the news on this issue: I had a couple of remote sessions/phone calls with Adobe regarding tanother sever problem I have: P: Crashing randomly (even at startup) 

I also told them about this filtering issue. So they told me to upload my catalog so they can investigate. Here's the answer I did get by mail:
We can also confirm, that the issue of filters in Collection, and Folders, seems to happen on our end as well with your catalog, so that seems to be a catalog issue.

I just had another session and regarding the filter problem I got the message that it will be fixed in a new version of LrC.

We'll see... Fingers crossed. 🤞






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Apr 24, 2024 Apr 24, 2024

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Update: the problem is fixed (but it came with a price). I had a long remote session with an Adobe employee because of my other (Major) issue I have mith LrC (P: Crashing randomly (even at startup)). The employee told me to do this:

1. create a new empty catalog
2. import the existing catalog into it
3. test whether the problem is solved with the new catalog

After about 4 hours the import session stopped with an error and only about 2/3 of my images have been imported. I opened this new catalog to test whether it would solve my problem. And sure enough, filtering worked again. BUT:
My complete catalogs were missing. Since I work catalog-related and not folder-related, I have hundreds of them. This means that the proposed solution would have wiped out my entire organizational structure. Unbelievable!
Unfortunately, this was the case again and again during the solution to my other problem. I was given tasks that unfortunately often had side effects that were not communicated to me. Often these could have been avoided if certain steps had been taken beforehand. Unfortunately, I only knew about it afterwards and the support team (whose job it would be to do this) obviously didn't think about it. The best example is this one with the missing collections.

Unfortunately, the promised callback from Adobe didn't come either, so I had to come up with my own solution to create a new catalog with my content.
Here is the way:
1. move all collections into an overarching collection folder.
2. export this collection folder as a new catalog.

This worked well and had 3 advantages:
1. it went through without errors.
2. the organizational structure was completely preserved.
3. it took 10-15 minutes (!!!)

Why doesn't the support know that? Once again: Unbelievable! But never mind...

SoI was happy (for now). But here too there is a BUT:
If you have synchronized your catalog, it is a very, very stupid idea to replace this catalog with another one (even with identical content). Why is too much to go into here, but in short it leads to the following:
1. each catalog from the cloud is imported into LrC as a new catalog (in the collection "From Lightroom"), although the catalog of the same name already exists in the collection structure. -> all synchronized catalogs are duplicated and must be consolidated manually.
2. the images within these "new" collections are created as virtual copies (the better case). -> lots of unwanted virtual copies that need to be cleaned up manually.
3. the images within these new collections are imported as downloads of the Smart Preview DNGs from the cloud. -> lots of duplicate images that have to be cleaned up manually.

The sticking point: LrC recognizes the new catalog as a different catalog that was not synchronized. There is a unique ID somewhere in the catalog so that the sync process recognizes this. The result is that there is now no link between the albums in the cloud and the collections of the same name in the new catalog. They are therefore evaluated as different instances and synchronized anew from the cloud into the catalog.
This is something that Support should have been aware of and considered. Since we are talking about an SQL database here, there should be scripts for such a case to fix this beforehand. As it is, it's just annoying and 10 days later I still haven't finished sorting out the mess.

But at least my problem is solved and I haven't had any more crashes since then, as described in the other post. So I have a laughing and a crying eye when I think of Adobe support.





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May 03, 2024 May 03, 2024

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AAAARGH! The filtering issue is back. All of a sudden today it stopped working again. As soon as I realized I stopped working in the catalog and restored my backed up catalog from last night's backup session. It works perfect. Then i had to check what I've lost by working in the restored catalog, since I did some work since the last backup. 

Fortunately, I haven't lost too much:
(1) Newly imported images or any new virtual copies since the backup are missing, of course. But I was able to find that out in the corrupt catalog, export the images in question as a catalog and import them into the backup.

(2) All edits since the backup are there because I always write XMP files. The only thing missing is the editing history. But that is not particularly tragic for me. The history is also available for the images imported from (1).

(3) All organizational activities such as new collections/collection sets, changed collections, etc. since the backup are lost. This is also something you can't really find out from the corrupt catalog. You have to remember which collections this affects and then you can also use export/import or fix it manually (screenshots can help).

Fortunately, I didn't do much organizing, so I was able to fix the whole thing relatively quickly. However, this was only because I noticed promptly that the filtering was no longer working.

What exactly caused the catalog to be corrupt again is a mystery to me. This is really annoying...






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Contributor ,
Jun 01, 2024 Jun 01, 2024

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I am extremely frustrated. Today I spent about 4-5 hours cleaning up my catalogue (folder structure and collections, consolidating keywords etc.). I use the option to filter folders and collections a lot for this. Since LrC becomes very slow if you work with it for a while in the library module, I had to restart it again and again.
Then suddenly after another restart the filter option no longer worked after a restart. This means that my catalogue was obviously corrupted again just by working in the library module! :((
I could of course restore the backup from last night. But then the work of the last few hours will be lost.
If I export the corrupt catalogue completely to a new catalogue, then everything is fine again in the newly exported catalogue. Unfortunately, this is not a solution option. Although the content of the exported catalogue is identical to the corrupt one, it has a different ID internally. This means that it is a different catalogue for the sync engine and if I switch the synchronisation to this new catalogue, it will result in absolute chaos. The sync engine is not able to smartly match the catalogue and the content of the cloud.


Here's how filtering ooks like in the exported catalog:



Here's how filtering looks like in the corrupted catalog:



If someone from Adobe is reading along:
1. why is Adobe not able to get the memory management right so that you don't have to restart all the time to keep the performance bearable?
2. why does simply working with the catalogue corrupt it?
3. why is it not possible to export a complete catalogue to a new one without giving it a new ID, which then leads to problems with synchronisation?

I don't know how I can fix this without having to put in a massive amount of (unnecessary) work.






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Jun 02, 2024 Jun 02, 2024

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Now it is getting totally nuts!

Because the error always occurs suddenly, I test from time to time to see whether it will disappear just as suddenly. Like a few minutes ago. I filtered the collections for “teneriffa” AND IT WORKED PERFECTLY WELL! Hooray... let's party! 

2024-06-02--14_25_55-ThP - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Bibliothek.jpg

Then I used a different term, unfortunately without success:

2024-06-02--14_23_07-ThP - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Bibliothek.jpg


After that I tried “teneriffa” again and - guess what - it doesn't work anymore:

2024-06-02--14_34_06-ThP - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic - Bibliothek.jpg








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Jun 04, 2024 Jun 04, 2024

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I just can't believe it. This is completely crazy!


I have not been working in LrC sibce Sunday. Yesterday evening I came back from a shoot and imported the images into LrC. Then, as usual, I tested whether the filtering worked. Big surprise! It works again!

And I have definitely done NOTHING since Sunday. Honestly! [abuse removed by moderator]

I don't get it...





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