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Freezing LRC and photo corruption on the hard drive

Explorer ,
Dec 19, 2023 Dec 19, 2023

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I have been having difficulty getting help with a problem in LRC.  Here are the details, a bit long but for the sake of completeness, please bear with me:


Experiencing a problem with freezing, contacted Adobe Customer Care.  Finally the agent brought in an expert.  After sharing my computer and having me re-start my computer a couple of times, we got disconnected.  Received an email about the disconnection, was asked for my contact information.  In the meantime I signed into the chat again, was connected to someone who seemed to be quite competent, but still did not find a solution.  Saying more research was needed, and that I would get a phone call to re-connect, but never followed through.


Now I am getting emails from Adobe Customer Care with suggestions for what I should do to see if the freezing problem would be corrected.  The first one was to use the cleanup app, which did not correct the situation.  Then it was suggested I create a new catalog and import the previous catalog into it.  That was a disaster because now I have a lot of corrupted photos on my hard drive and the freezing was decreased for a while, but then got more frequent again.  


Since the new catalog disaster, I have been getting more emails with suggestions. Finally realized that I was being contacted by multiple people just throwing in ideas without feeling at all invested in my problem.  And some of the suggestions were difficult to understand, and appeared to be irrelevant.


The cleanup of my hard drive is time-consuming and should never have occurred.  I would appreciate help from experts, have in fact asked for that multiple times in answer to the emails.  Those requests have been totally ignored.  I hesitate to sign into the chat again because that won't get me what I need without having to first deal with someone more competent at a basic level.


Any help with getting the help I have requested would be much appreciated.







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Dec 19, 2023 Dec 19, 2023

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Experiencing a problem with freezing

Freezing during what actions?


That was a disaster because now I have a lot of corrupted photos on my hard drive and the freezing was decreased for a while, but then got more frequent again.  


Not sure the corrupted files are related to the freezing, but they might be. Corrupted files are almost always caused by computer malfunction somewhere (usually hard disk), and I suppose that malfunction could also be the cause of the freezing.


Please go to Help->System Info and report the top 50 lines or so, down to the GPU information. The rest is not needed.





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Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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As you will have noticed, I made a few recommendations in your followup posting:



One of those to be assertive in trying Adobe support again.


That may be a bit like root canal at the dentist. I do see that you have tried multiple times in multiple ways to get them to help. But moving on to the second recommendation, Continuing in this posting to seek help from members in the community. Not for how to get Adobe to behave, but help on your Freezing issue.


In addition to the request above by dj_paige, can you also accomplish the following:



Please post your System Information as Lightroom Classic (LrC) reports it. In LrC click on Help, then System Info, then Copy. Paste that information into a reply. Please present all information from first line down to and including Plug-in Info. Info after Plug-in info can be cut out as that is just so much dead space to us non-Techs and it takes up vast amounts of scroll space making the reply less readable and less likely that others will bother with your post.






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