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I've got a photoshoot of new images imported into lightroom classic, I have also sent those same images to a cloud based AI solutions provider who's system generates tags (keywords) and star ratings for them, that system returns a data file that references the image file name and adds columns for the the keywords and star ratings. I'm hoping someone can point me to a lightroom plugin that I can use to import that data into my lightroom catalog.
Lightroom Classic's plugins and well-respected plugin vendors like Photographers Toolbox (I also have my own plugins there) existed long before Adobe implemented the CC app and started trying to sell extensions through it. Also LrC's technology is a one-off in Adobe's offerings, and neither Adobe nor plugin authors found it worth trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. So plugins have never been integrated into the CC extension environment, where you just find LR presets and other triv
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I don't have a recommendation for a LrC plugin, but another approach to investigate may be external utilities which can update XMP metadata. So a sidecar XMP file in the case of proprietary camera Raw, otherwise embedded metadata in e.g. a camera JPG or a DNG.
The sequence would in that case be: ensure up-to-date XMP metadata is written out to file system for the images concerned; externally amend that to impose these keywords and star ratings; read XMP metadata back into the Catalog for the images concerned. Reading and writing XMP is standard Catalog behaviour and needs no plugin, albeit if there is such a plugin it should streamline the overall process. Exception: virtual copies cannot write out, nor read in, external metadata.
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Thank you, I like this approach... sounds like I would need a way to convert the AI system datafile into and a batch of XMP file's that would need to be saved somehow to the source images that are already present in my lightroom catalog? Can you elaborate, feel free to message me if you prefer.
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The LR/Transporter plugin mentioned above is the way to go -- it will import an industry-standard CSV file, presumably the same format generated by the cloud service.
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You'll find XMP a very painful route. First you'll have to create the XMP files, which will require some skill, and then you'll have to battle with image file formats, some which support separate XMP files, some which don't need them. Even though I routinely import and export data into LrC and other apps, I would only bother with XMP if some other app (your server) was generating them, and even in that case it would be fiddly.
What is the format of that data file? If it's something like CSV or TXT you'll find it a lot easier to manipulate, if necessary, into a style that LrTransporter can easily handle.
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The external metadata approach mentioned would only have been a fallback if a suitable plugin had not been available; also sometimes plugins are not granted the ability to update particular types of information from within the Catalog, so an external approach has to be the workaround.
But Keywords and Ratings should AFAIK be fine: the recommended plugin is the best option to try IMO.
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Look at the plugin LrTransporter which is designed to import data from text files and match them to the photos using the image file name.
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Thank you as well, have you used this plugin yourself and or do you know if it can import the type of data I'm concerned with? I'm looking for that now.
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Thank you as well, have you used this plugin yourself and or do you know if it can import the type of data I'm concerned with? I'm looking for that now.
By @ph0t0Zdeal
Not myself, though I know of plenty of people who have found it ideal. It's been around for ages, has a good reputation, and can handle different types of text file.
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Thanks again,
Interestingly my creative cloud desktop application doesn't know about it??
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Lightroom Classic's plugins and well-respected plugin vendors like Photographers Toolbox (I also have my own plugins there) existed long before Adobe implemented the CC app and started trying to sell extensions through it. Also LrC's technology is a one-off in Adobe's offerings, and neither Adobe nor plugin authors found it worth trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. So plugins have never been integrated into the CC extension environment, where you just find LR presets and other trivial stuff.
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Interestingly I have downloaded the trial version in hopes of proving it's efficacy on the 5 files it said it would work on and the only functionality I got with it was the ability to export data and that feature didn't seem to work as I expected, having said that my real need is to import data as your reply states, I'm planning to reach out to Author at Photographers Toolbox but in the meantime I'm hoping you can connect me with people who use it that may be willing to share screen shots and or their experiences using it, can you help me with that?
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"the only functionality I got with it was the ability to export data"
Did you see these instructions?
"To access the import dialog, choose Library->Plugin Extras->Import Metadata using LR/Transporter."
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Here are a couple screen shots, my lrclassic version is current, 13.2, there is no import option as detailed above and the plugin manager says there is a problem with it...
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Your screenshot shows the issue -- you need to use the Library > Plug-in Extras menu, not File > Plug-in Extras.
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The indicator "Installed, may not work" just says that one time when you ran the plug-in, an error was encountered. The plug-in will continue to run. You can clear the error by clicking Reload Plug-in.
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Good news, I was able to get the plugin to import the data I needed, made a donation and it worked successfully on a large batch of images so thank you for the referral and the help getting it operational. After working with the tool it occurs to me I may be able to give the AI service provider some feedback by exporting corrections I've made so I went back and tried to get data exported, I went to the online guide and noticed my interface was not the same, I've uploaded some screen shots. It's exporting the data I selected without creating a new row for each record, and I can't figure out how to get the header row into the export file either.
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You add a header line to the file using the first section shown below.
After entering the tokens for the header line or the photo line, type Enter. That will cause the text for the header and for the photos to appear on separate lines.
Looks like the documentation was never updated to reflect how to use separate lines.