I lost my metadata
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Hi every one,
On this thread i had the issue that LRc inverted the folder files in the DD names ( and actually windows did not ) : https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/lrc-inverted-folder-files/m-p/14219728#...
I deleted all the folder into LRc and brought them back manually.
Since that, all the metada of the pictures has gone !
I found the develop setting of my pictures but none of the lens/aprture/iso.... values :
Is there a way to find them back ?!
Many thanks to you all !
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I didn't follow your earlier thread, and I don't know what would cause photos to lose their camera-provided metadata.
Nevertheless, I think the solution is to restore backups of the photos, and backups of the catalog file, and see if you can extract the desired information from your backups.
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in the Keyword column of the metadata filter select "All" and see what you get.
Better would be to turn off the filter and open the right hand panel in the Library Module and see if the file metadata is present.
Better yet is to use Windows Explorer to look at the metadata. Right click the column labels to select some metadata to display to see what is displayed.
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and brought them back manually.
How? From a camera memory card? from a folder on the computer?
What? The original images ? Conversions of the images, like a DNG or a TIFF?
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Thank you all for your kind reply ! I found where the problem was : it was me 😉
Metada Keyword was not selected as "all" !!!
Sorry and thank you