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Goal: I want to convert all images to DNG
Problem: some raw files are not converted.
Here is how you can follow on your pc:
I have some stacks with raw files (in my case .cr2), what contain three pictures for an HDR or a few for a panorama. I have put them together in a stack. Then I created HDR and Panoramas from these, the new files are created as DNG files.
When I select the whole folder and then select from the menu library -> convert to DNG, a lot of files are converted, however, there are two problems:
(you can also see attached a screenshot of my folder).
What I would expect:
How to reproduce:
just add some pictures into a stack, select the whole folder and convert to dng from the menu. (not the export functionality!)
I am running windows 11 and lightroom classic 14.1.1 with camera raw 17.1
Thanks for solving this bug in the future.
Best regards,
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Those are not bugs.
As for the stacks: when you select collapsed stack - only top image is selected. If you want to convert all images - select all, expand all stacks, select all, convert to DNG, collapse all stacks.
As for converting DNG to DNG - that is also by design.
DNG may come directly from camera, from other software or any other source and for example may have different bit depths and have any other differences.
Converting DNG to DNG converts file to Adobe "flavour" of DNG file.
If you don't want that - you can exclude DNG files using file type in library filter.
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Yes, thanks for your answer. I also found this out by myself, however its is still clearly a bug.
If its by desing I would expect some more options or a more clear description of what will happen when I select this functionality.
The button clearly labels "convert to dng" and not to select and click a whole bunch of stuff to finally be able to convert. A better word for bug would in this case probably be: "misleading"
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It does what is said - converts to DNG.
The problem is your expectations:
-that all images in the stack are selected when you select collapsed stack
-that convert to DNG should not convert what is already DNG
Both are false.
And behavior of stacks is not specific to "Convert to DNG", it is consistent across all LrC functions. Collapsed stack is treated as single top image, because stacks are designed to hide some images under the final one (like exposure brackets or panorama parts).