Lightroom 4 support for Nikon d7100
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What am I to do with my photos if Lightroom 4.4 does not include support for Nikon d7100?
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Next time refuse to buy the camera until it's supported in your favorite raw converter. Maybe then the camera companies will realize they need to provide DNG sport out of camera so things work immediately.
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Maybe it's a good idea to take a step back from the whole issue just a bit. Yes, for those of us who spend a bit more time on these boards than most other folks, it does become tedious to hear the repetitive requests and multiple threads of folks seeking a timetable for support of their new cameras. I don't see where anyone is trying to vilify Adobe for sitting on their hands ... especially early on in the thread. Best thing to do, is if you are a regular participant and you find the repetitive nature of such threads annoying ... resist the compulsion to participate in them and move on to another thread where your patience won't be tested quite so severely ...
If you look closely at the current threads for the Nikon D7100, you will see the original posters were making their very first-ever posts in this forum ... so far I haven't seen where any of those OP's were trying to make life difficult for Adobe ... simply seeking a definitive answer to their question ... which of course no one here can give them with complete assurance.
While it may be convenient to pontificate about when and how someone should buy a camera, sometimes folks don't have the benefit of that sage advice before they buy. Nor are they savvy to Adobe's pace and the inherit pitfalls to what it takes for developers to offer said support. So what good does it do to insult their intelligence now by telling them they were fools and it's their fault they have an unsupported camera?
I'm sure, as has been stated multiple times in this thread that Adobe will be on board very soon ... once supported, we will forget all about the matter until the next camera is released. It's all part of doing business for third party RAW developers ...
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I hope they keep the development of LR going forward quickly. I love the new D7100 camera. I hate having to shoot in RAW+JPEG. Wasting disk space on my shoots. At least with the D7100 camera I can shoot the White Balance in and get that closer to where I need it to be in the JPEG's.
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After eigth years of D80 i love my new 7100 too. I also hope to get an lightroom-up as soon as possible. But where´s the problem? Today it should be no problem (for adobe) to get the new RAW-algorithms BEFORE the cam is avaiable for any customer. Cam-manufacturers should have an intrest - like adobe to - in applying new cam-dates as close to the new modell releasedates!
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BWBergi wrote:
Today it should be no problem (for adobe) to get the new RAW-algorithms BEFORE the cam is avaiable for any customer. Cam-manufacturers should have an intrest - like adobe to - in applying new cam-dates as close to the new modell releasedates!
Yes, in an ideal world. But that's not the way it works. The Lr team has to buy a camera off the production line just like everyone else - thanks to Nikon.
And if Nikon decided to support DNG - the only thing with potential for becoming an actual industry standard - the whole problem would go away, just like that.
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Fortunately you will not have to wait long. Please stay tuned.
(And I assure you that if it were up to me, we would have camera support for all new models the day they were announced. Unfortunately, as twenty_one explained, that's not the way it works.)
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LR 4.4 is not a Nikon-D7100-only update. LR is released on a schedule so the D7100 has likely been supported for days if not weeks, internally, and other cameras or bugs or performance-tweaks are probably causing the wait by now.
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...fortunately I have not waited very long - I was tuned
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Update finally popped up this evening! Now I can go back to shooting RAW on the D7100.
Thanks Adobe for getting updates out quickly!
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Be patient, Capture One, DXO Optic is not releasing their update for D7100 also. Everyone has to reverse engineering the RAW file. It's not adobe fault. Come back here when D7200 or any other new camera come out in a few months, you'll see tons of messages requesting "support this camera xxx now" and you'll see how annoying it is.
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Lightroom 4.4 is out, with support for D7100! Assume new RAW for Photoshop is available too, but I haven't checked yet.
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Great! Camera Raw is out for Mac. LightRoom didn't tell me that there was an update avaliable. Will try again tonight.
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Yes ACR is also updated to 7.4.
Full details available here.

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