Lightroom 5 adjustments not showing in Photoshop CC
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Until a few days ago, when I choose "Edit in Lightroom" my RAW files (NEF) would show up in Photoshop with the Lightroom adjustments (without a warning dialog), but somehow this changed. When I open an image in Photoshop from Lightroom it does not show all adjustments. Also when I open the image as a smart object the Lightroom adjustments are ignored. As far as I know I didn't change any settings myself. I have the most recent versions of Lightroom 5 (5.3) and Photoshop CC (14.2). I've read some older solution for this problem by resetting the warning dialogs, but that didn't help. Anybody else experiencing this problem?
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Hello Dirk,
Very sorry for your frustration. Have you completely uninstalled and reinstalled the NIk package? Try that if you haven't. If you have, I'd like to forward this last post of yours to them.
My best,
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Hello there,
I really don;'t understand why it's working for some, and not for others. Tonight I tried to uninstall Nik completely, erased all traces of it and then reinstalled. Still no luck. It's opening an image from Lightroom in Photoshop CC, but without the Lightroom edits. I have no other plugins installed.
When I remove the Selective Tools directory, it's opening fine.
Off course now I have to make al layer first, before I open a Nik plugin, because it's not doing it by itself.
Maybe it has something to do with language: I use Lightroom and Photoshop CC in Dutch. Nik is in English. Just guessing....
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Hello Ton,
I would like to do the same thing I've offered to Dirk. That is to forward your post to NIK.
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Thanks Guy. I just finished writing a message to them. I have put a link to this thread in my message. We'll wait and see!
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Hi all,
It s work to me after having changed the language of both mac and nik to us english as suggested by nik guy. Even if the selective tool on its place so it s worth a try. Dunno how long it will work but so far so good.
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I'll be ........ When I change the language of my Mac to English it works.....
It's not a solution for me, for I want to use my Mac in my own language, but it can't be too hard for the Nik guys to fix this!
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Absolutely. I'm glad it's finally working for you.
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I asked the people at Nik about this, and here's their response:
I see that we are experiencing difficulties when changing the language to something other than English. We hope to have an update to resolve that soon.
So they're working on it....
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Very good!
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Thanks gaperklake for forwarding my problem to NIK. And yes, I have completely uninstalled the NIK package before! I use LR, PS and NIK in german. By the way, how will I notice if NIK updates the package for MAC? Will this happen automatically, without a notification?
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Hello diwiesign,
Are you in Germany? It is @ 6:30 am where I am in the U.S. You're probably 8 hours ahead.
If you are on CC, the chances are, upgrages will happen automatically. I'll try to confirm that.
Nik is already working on fixes for their non-English versions. Can you download the English version for now? If so, you may be able to solve everything for the time being.
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AFAIK there ARE no non-English versions of Nik. What they are currently doing, is fix the fact that it's not working with the English version on a non-Eglish system.
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Hello gaperklake,
yes, I'm from germany. As Ton had said there is only an multi-language installer image at NIK. The UI is in german for me.
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Here is part of the response I received from NIK this morning:
We are currently looking into this issue and any applicable fixes will be included in the newest updates which are applied automatically via the Google Auto-Updater. In order to receive these updates your computer must be on, connected to the internet, and your host applications must be closed.
My best to everyone affected by this,
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Hello gaperklake,
this sounds really great! Thanks for informing us, maybe you can repeat it later? I'm not sure if I notice the silent Auto-Updater by Google. Thanks a lot.
best regards
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Hello Dirk,
Hopefully you'll notice the updater has been there because when you open PS and LR that day (or night) they'll be working again as they're supposed to. Please let know in a few days if that hasn't happened....
My best,
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Hello gaperklake,
thanks for this information. I get an email from NIK today with new download links. This version works again very well so far I'm able to test this in the last minutes.
thanks and best regards
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OK… Then I will email Nik also for the download link! Thanks for sharing.
Op 11 februari 2014 at 20:40:15, diwiesign ( schreef:
Re: Lightroom 5 adjustments not showing in Photoshop CC
created by diwiesign in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
Hello gaperklake,
thanks for this information. I get an email from NIK today with new download links. This version works again very well so far I'm able to test this in the last minutes.
thanks and best regards
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Gefeliciteerd!
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In order to receive these updates your computer must be on, connected to the internet, and your host applications must be closed.
A silent auto-updater that only requires an internet connection? I don't even allow my OS to do that
<note to self: don't go anywhere near Nik>
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I’m very sorry, but in my case it’s still the same problem. Nik sent me a download link, but it didn’t help…. Still the adjustments made in Lightroom, aren’t transported to Photoshop. We’ll have t wait for a solution, I guess….
Op 11 februari 2014 at 21:14:02, twenty_one ( schreef:
Re: Lightroom 5 adjustments not showing in Photoshop CC
created by twenty_one in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
In order to receive these updates your computer must be on, connected to the internet, and your host applications must be closed.
A silent auto-updater that only requires an internet connection? I don't even allow my OS to do that
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Oohhh, crazy. I must confirm Tons message. Although the first test worked, but now I'm fighting back with the same problems. I have no explanations.
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Okay, congratulaions withdrawn.
That is crazy, but Nik knows again.
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twenty_one wrote:
In order to receive these updates your computer must be on, connected to the internet, and your host applications must be closed.A silent auto-updater that only requires an internet connection? I don't even allow my OS to do that
<note to self: don't go anywhere near Nik>
It's Google, not Nik.
Google is particularly sneaky and pernicious in ensuring its updaters run. Updaters, plural. You have to work very hard to stop them by disabling them in several places:
- Stop two Google services from running: gupdate and guptadem.
- I'm pretty sure I've seen something in startup (HKCU or HKLM \ SOFTWEARE\Windows\currentVersion\Run) but not I think for current software
- In Computer Management, Task Scheduler, disable a couple of events named GoogleUpdateTask...
If you do all that, Nik software won't update automatically, and you have to update it by hand.
However, some other Google software (notably Google Chrome) updates itself whenever it runs, and kindly re-enables those services and update task triggers. You have to check regularly if you don't want a load of Google crapware running whenever Google chooses.